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Muhammet Ali YUCE edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Style Resource Library - StyleR

Welcome to StyleR wiki!

You will find how to use StyleR in this page. After learning it we will apply StyleR in real project.

Why StyleR

  • Runtime Changeable Style: If you need change style of view in runtime when user interacts with view or combined with some action.

  • Downloadable Style: With StyleR you can change your whole app style from downloading styles.json from remote. By this feature you can fix UI problems in production environment easily.

  • 1 View to Many View: This is the most powerful perk of StyleR. Simply it provides setting view styles programmatically. When designs arrives to developer, developer should create all of the components from that designs to provide that views. When developer decides to which views will be created, there would be many duplicated views in there. Basically that’s because of little changes from the view, for example if some of Text View uses bold styles developer pass that parameters to view for making them bold. But with StyleR developer can code more than one style for a view and use them when it needed.

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