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This is a new version of the GIFster application. Now TypeScript, React.js and Next.js are the main technologies. The project is bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Running Guide

Using yarn (npm):

  1. Clone the GIFmaster GitHub repository.

  2. Open a new Terminal in the root directory and install the dependencies by running the command:

    yarn install

    or using npm:

    npm install
  3. Run the application by running the command:

    yarn dev

    or using npm:

    npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

  5. To stop the application hit Control + C in the Terminal.

Using Docker:

By pulling the container from DockerHub:

  1. Open a new terminal and to pull the container, run the command:

    docker pull markmayya/gifmaster:latest
  2. To run the container use the command:

    docker run -dp 3000:3000 gifmaster

By creating a new container:

  1. Clone the GIFmaster GitHub repository.

  2. Choose a name for your container. Open a new Terminal in the root directory and run the command:

    docker build -t <name-of-container> .
  3. Run the command:

    docker run -dp 3000:3000 <name-of-container>
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

  5. To stop the container:

    1. Check the container's ID by running the command:
      docker ps
    2. Find the container and copy the ID.
    3. Run the command below to stop and remove the container:
      docker rm -f <container-ID>

Environment Variables

Environment variable Description
GIPHY_QUERY_BASE_URL The base endpoint for GET requests
GIPHY_UPLOAD_BASE_URL The base endpoint for POST requests

File structure


Next.js pages.


Public files, such as the favicon.


- components

The project uses a variation of Atomic design by Brad Frost:

  • atoms - basic building blocks (input field)
  • molecules - 2 or more Atoms together (input field with label)
  • organisms - 2 or more Molecules together (form of input fields with labels)
  • pages - Page components (Favourites page)

- constants

Files that contain constants, used in the application more than once.

- context

Files for managing global React state (favourites, uploaded gifs).

- hooks

Files with custom React hooks.

- utils

Files with helper functions.


End-to-end Cypress tests are available. To run them, open a Terminal in the root directory use the command below:

yarn cy:open

or using npm:

npm run cy:open


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