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Iteration 4 Final Review

mazmaz2k edited this page Jun 24, 2017 · 12 revisions

Iteration 4 Final Review

At this Iteration we would have review about the project.

Iteration 3 review:

Iteration Conclusion: All the tests in the previous iteration passed without faults, specifically the tests for different kinds of android versions.

Updated User Manual

User Manual

Updated Dev Manual

Dev Manual.

Retrospective - goals and results:

  • We connected the application to MongoDB database and now on the main page we can change any time we want ,the background image that represents the status of the app.
  • The notification of the application is now fixed.
  • Now a client who use the application can send an direct e-mail to the manager of the radio.

Some Pictures of What did we implement

mongoDB connaction and background swapping Current MongoDB DataBase

Team Develop process:

Because we achieved in the firsts iteration must of the functionality to work properly iteration length were enough. The clients didnt gave feedback about any process of the work, so iterations were complete in time.

Team Spirit

  • The team work with synergy.

  • We divided one big mission into couple submissions, and assigned every team member to a submission.

  • We helped each other with difficult submissions.

  • Example: In the beginning of the project, we didnt know how to connect to the main streaming server. We spend a lot of working hours to understand how it works, how to use it properly and to make it works. After a lot of unsuccessfully attempts, we finally successes. 🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇
    It was in the first iteration - you can see the issue about this problem in the link.

Issue Management:

link to issues


App release

Iteration Conclusion:

Team works very well together, we have meetings on skype an also have a Whatsapp group and Gitter group , where all the members are always being connected and updated.

Project Summary

Lessons learned from the course:

  • Planning early, breaking tasks and setting time slices are the cornerstones of an efficient development process - Plannning the whole development process before start working is critical and affecting on many (if not all) of the project's components. when the tasks were planed thoughtfully and was based on a single task derived from the previous one- performance was also faster and more efficient.
  • Teamwork - A team leader is essential To create a good working environment with participation of all the staff members. It is a must to set a team leader who will be responsible for a fair division of the tasks, monitoring implementation of the functions and quality, stimulating the team workers and getting them into the project atmosphere.
  • Schedule management - Throughout the project, we learned about the meaning and importance of managing time for maximum success. It was challenging at first, but throughout the project, we have improved the management of time.
  • Work and use in git - this is very powerful and helpful tool, its caused to work to be easier. at the beginnig of the course we did not know how to use it, and because of it, it caused us a lot of problems, we weren't in Synchronized with each other , we did double work and when we learn how to use gituhb all this problem disappear and we have gotten more Synchronized each other, its help us a lot during the project.

Facing challenges

  • Teamwork: Since and no team member had experience at working in a project of this magnitude, at the beginning of the project, it was challenging to coordinate and cooperate. As the project progressed, the team work has improved, we learned to recognize each member weaknesses and strengths and assign the tasks accordingly.
  • New technologies: During the project we were exposed to several new technologies, since no team member had experience with these technologies, we had to to put aside some time dedicated to understand the manner of using team and how to tie them together, and bring the project to its final completed state.
  • Working with project client: during the project we had to deal with a real client requirements and do things the way he wants and see fit.
  • Project size: for the first time during our studies we had to face one big and complex project, Therefore we need to learn and adapt to different way to work.

Working with client

  • The Customer did not cooperate with us at all. Did not tell us what he expected from the app. He did not answer emails and any other form of communication(here what we expect from him).
  • we think one of the big differences between this course to other courses is the fact that this project was conducted with the client requirements and expectations.
  • we had to show the progress of the project throughout the development stages, and see if the customer satisfied, if he wasn't we should have to change the product according to client requirements.
  • it gives us a different perspective on how projects are conducted in the labor market.
  • during the project we needed to be able to add features according to client's wishes.

What worked well, and what didn't

  • Worked - Team work. we always stayed in touch, helped each other, connected by mails, whatsapp, Facebook, meeting in the college's. We always made sure that all the tasks are about to be finished at time and helped each other if we saw that it didn't.
  • Didn't worked - At first communication with the client was a little slow. It took time for the client to respond to emails and phone calls so the progress was slower if we got any response. Of course, everything went well when we proceed without the client (we had permission to do it).

What will we do in the next project

  • A team leader has been established from the start, who will divide the tasks between the team members and will be the main contact with the client, which will make more order in the project and everyone will know exactly what he should to do.
  • make an orderly meeting with the client in which we will adjust expectations about how the product should look and what it should contain.

Course Summary

  • The course has given us knowledge and instruments in planning, designing and executing a project of this magnitude from its inception to a working production state.
  • The course has exposed us to a various new technologies that was unfamiliar for us.
  • The course has taught us to work with source control (git and GitHub) in an appropriate way.
  • The course has given us the experience of working as a team.

Tools help

  • Lectures, exercises and labs - assisted learning topics relevant to the project.
  • GitHub - project management revolved around working with the GitHub.
  • wiki page- it has details of all the project stages, with relevant documents, code snippets and link to.
  • Giiter- GitHub chat - online availability of lecturers and members of the project.

Guest lecturer

During the project, the guest lecturer has given us technical and practical advice, that assisted us in understanding and executing our ideas with the different technologies. At the end of each iteration the guest lecturer has given us knowledge that assisted us in the next iteration.

Future plans for the product

We currently have no plans to continue the project, as it's in his final state.