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Split Document 0.0.10

knox-dawson edited this page Jun 8, 2024 · 6 revisions

Split Document

rM Hacks DocumentationSplit Document

The Split Document, or "Split doc", feature allows you to open and edit two documents at once, or to edit two places in the same document.

Enable Split Document in the Document Configuration menu.

Enable the "Main doc" feature by toggling on the "Button to open files in Layers menu" option (in Document Configuration).

Split document menu

To open a Split doc, tap the layers icon in the toolbar. Below the layers menu is the Split document menu.

This menu also allows you to change the Main doc if needed.

The "Main doc" is the document you start from, and the toolbar pertains to it. The Split doc is the document you open from within the Main doc.

Split doc menu

Main doc

The Main doc picker icon will open the recent and favorites document tray. The Main doc new page icon will open a Quick sheets page. Keep in mind that the toolbar will pertain to the Main doc that you select.

Split doc main doc options

Split doc

The Split doc menu allows you to open a secondary document. The Split doc picker icon will open the recent and favorites document tray. The Split doc new page icon will open a Quick sheets page. The Split doc "this page" icon will open the current document page in a secondary split window. This last feature allows you to edit two places in the same document.

Split doc options


Then you open a secondary Split doc, there are three orientations to choose from:

  • Overlay
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical

There is also a fourth "orientation":

  • No Split

Split doc orientations


If you choose to overlay the Split doc, you can choose four positions: upper left, lower left, lower right, or upper right.

Split doc overlay positions


If you select the horizontal orientation, you can choose how much space to give to the Split doc:

  • 1/2
  • 1/3
  • 1/4
  • 1/5

You can also move the Split doc to the top or the bottom of the display.

Split doc horizontal options


If you select the vertical orientation, you can again choose how much space to give the Split doc:

  • 1/2
  • 1/3
  • 1/4
  • 1/5

And you can move the Split doc to the left or to the right.

Split doc vertical options

No Split

The "no split" option hides the Split doc and displays only the Main doc. But the Split doc is still selected, so you can re-display it (as overlay, horizontal, or vertical), and you don't have to re-select which document to see.

This is especially powerful, because if you exit the Main doc and select a different file (as the Main doc), the Split doc you selected before is still selected.

Split doc orientations

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