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*** Website environment installation/configuration ***

Instructions tested on an uptodate F20 installed with the minimal profile:
1) Install the following packages:
yum install -y git ruby rubygem-compass rubygam-haml lynx python rsync publican autoconf \
  avahi-devel bison cairo-devel cyrus-sasl-devel desktop-file-utils flex libibmad-devel \
  libibumad-devel libmicrohttpd-devel ncurses-devel nss-devel papi-devel perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker \
  python-devel python3-devel qt-devel readline-devel rpm-devel systemd-devel systemtap-sdt-devel \
  glibc-devel gcc gcc-c++ man2html vim linkchecker python-beautifulsoup4 rubygems python-requests

1.a) Install the following rubygem:
  gem install sass-globbing

2) Clone the following repos:
  git clone [PCPWEBNG]
  git clone git:// [PCP]

3) Symlink the pcp-brand:
ln -s [PCPWEBNG]/pcp-brand /usr/share/publican/Common_Content/

Use the pcp-brand in the books:
for i in `find [PCP]/books/ -iname 'publican.cfg'`; do
	perl -pi -e 's,^brand:.*$,brand: pcp-brand,' "$i";

(should we add a configure option to [PCP] build --with-brand=xxx
and generate these files?  seems generally useful... might need it
for RHEL someday soon)

4) Compile the pcp git tree with:
  cd [PCP] && ./configure --with-books && cd books && make

This will have created all the books in all the needed formats
using the pcp-brand

5) Create the website:
Adjust the PCPGIT, DSTLOCAL and DSTREMOTE in pcpwebng/Makefile and then
  cd [PCPWEBNG] && make

This will create the website in /srv/$DSTLOCAL
rsync the content to webserver

You can run 'make check' to have linkchecker report on all the links, but it
seems it requires the python-requests-2.2.0 package that is present in F21


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