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Get involved

Mélanie Bats edited this page Mar 7, 2014 · 5 revisions

How you can help

Arduino Designer is an open source project and everyone is encouraged to get involved! There are lots of ways you can contribute:

Report bugs

Arduino Designer uses GitHub to track issues. Bug reports are really important, so please report any issues you have. When you report bugs, make sure you include lots of detail, reproducible tests, example code or anything else you think might help!

Contribute to the code

Arduino Designer's code and documentation is hosted on Github. It's easy to get the code and build Arduino Designer from source. Just clone our repository, make your changes and send us a pull-request.

To contribute to the code, after cloning the repository just import in your Eclipse all the projects available from the plugins and releng folders. In the releng folder, the project provides the Target Platform used to develop the Arduino Designer, set it as TP in your workspace. Then all the code is available from the projects in the plugins folder :

Contribute to documentation

Manually create a fork of the Arduino Designer wiki on your Github account:

  • Create a new repository on your github account. Let's call it "arduino-Wiki".
  • Clone the Arduino Designer wiki repo to your local machine somewhere: git clone
  • Remove the original "origin" remote and add your github repo as new "origin" git remote rm origin and git remote add origin git://<YOUR_USERNAME>/arduino-Wiki.git
  • Make your proposed changes locally, then push them to your github account: git push -u origin master ('-u origin master' only required the first time; afterwards just do git push)
  • Submit a ticket to the official Arduino Designer issue tracker requesting us to review your changes and merge them in. Please be sure to include a link to your repo and describe what you've changed.