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173 lines (141 loc) · 5.31 KB
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Clojure Debugging Helpers
2022-11-11 10:53:47 +0100

I highly recommend Repl Driven Development by Stuart Halloway if you haven't watched it already. It's a real eye opener when it comes to the topic of REPL and how to use it to your advantage. Two sentence summary of that presentation could easily be:

Don't type into REPL! Send things to the REPL!

As soon as you begin to understand that message, a whole new world opens up where some things become so incredibly simple. For example, how to debug a misbehaving ring handler?

(defn handler [request]

Just make a binding that can be manipulated. Then reevaluate the handler (send updated defn to the REPL).

(defn handler [request]
  (def request request)

When the new handler executes, request becomes available for prodding as a top-level var. What can you do with it? Well, what do you need to investigate the problem? Send more things to the REPL. Here are a couple of examples:

(-> request :params :user-id)
(-> request :body :what :does :not :look :right?)
(get-in request [:headers "user-agent"])
(reitit-ring/get-match request)
(-> request (reitit-ring/get-match) :data (get (:request-method request)))
(db/get-user (-> request :params :user-id))

This technique is so general that it can be used almost everywhere.

  • with defn-, let, letfn, if-let, when-let, binding, with-redefs, ...
  • in src or test

It does get a bit tedious sometimes. E.g. when needing to litter the code (temporarily) with a bunch of def expressions.

(defn handler [{:keys [params body] :as request}]
  (def request request)
  (def params params)
  (def body body)
  (let [db (:db/admin request)
        user-id (:user-id params)
        user (db/get-user db user-id)]
    (def db db)
    (def user-id user-id)
    (def user user)
    (do-something user body)))

Wouldn't it be nice if I could specify that I want to add def expressions for every binding without having to type (or expand) too much? How about something like the following?

(defn/d handler [{:keys [params body] :as request}]
  (let/d [db (:db/admin request)
          user-id (:user-id params)
          user (db/get-user db user-id)]
    (do-something user body)))

Notice the variants defn/d and let/d instead of normal clojure.core/defn and clojure.core/let. What would it take for this to work? Here is what I ended up with and am quite happy using it.

The two helper namespaces are in the repl directory. 1


(ns defn)

(defn symbols [args]
   (fn [a]
       (map? a) (:keys a)
       (vector? a) (symbols a)
       :else [a]))

(defmacro d [fn-name & fdecl]
  (let [[args body] (if (string? (first fdecl))
                      [(second fdecl) (not-empty (drop 2 fdecl))]
                      [(first fdecl) (not-empty (rest fdecl))])
        defs (map (fn [s] `(def ~s ~s)) (symbols args))]
    `(defn ~fn-name ~args


(ns let)

(defmacro d [bindings & body]
  (let [bindings-with-defs (->> bindings
                                (partition 2)
                                (mapcat (fn [[s code]]
                                          [s code
                                           (gensym "not-used") `(def ~s ~s)])))]
    `(let [~@bindings-with-defs]

For the helpers to be usable elsewhere in the project I made sure the following was evaluated every time I started the project in the REPL:

(load-file "repl/let.clj")
(load-file "repl/defn.clj")

That's it! Now I can use those helpers so I don't have to write a bunch of def expressions anymore.

(defn/d handler [{:keys [params body] :as request}]
  (let/d [db (:db/admin request)
          user-id (:user-id params)
          user (db/get-user db user-id)]
    (do-something user body)))

Adapting the helpers to your own situation

  • If you don't want to use load-file, you can put the helpers on the classpath and require them.

  • If you don't have monorepo then you need to decide where it makes the most sense to put the helpers, but load-file might still be your best way of including the code in the project.

  • If you don't like that the helpers are in a separate namespace then you can add them to clojure.core and use them like any other clojure.core fn.

      (in-ns 'clojure.core)
      (defmacro defnd ,,,)
      (defmacro letd ,,,))
  • The helpers above are not perfect, but are quite adequate. For example, I didn't have a strong need to create macros to cover defn-, letfn, if-let, when-let, binding, with-redefs, or defn with additional metadata. Those usages are rare enough that I can add def expressions manually. Feel free to develop your own helpers that match the situation you're in.


  1. For complete files see: