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Maven Central

Effective development needs efficient tools

This project consists of multiple maven plugins to help developer to handle the following issues:

  • Code Generation: generates Service, VO, List Page and Form Page for each entity
  • Merge Code: if you prevent some classes to be overwritten by the Code Generation, this goal helps you to merge your code to generated ones
  • Schema Diff: call Hibernate schema update methods to just output the SQL update scripts in the console
  • Apply Schema: if the SQL scripts for database migration are set, this goal apply them in the database
  • Keytool: creates an JKS file with a defined secret key which can be used by StringEncryptorUtil

mvn demeter:codegen

Suppose the entity in the Store example. The following table lists the generated classes and files:

Module File Description
common interface for the Service class
common a filter-value-object used in the filter panel of List Page
service the Service class for the entity
web the Wicket's DPage for the List Page of the entity
web my/pkg/store/web/dpage/BookListDPage.html the HTML template for BookListDPage
web the Wicket's DPage for the Form Page of the entity
web my/pkg/store/web/dpage/BookFormDPage.html the HTML template for BookFormDPage

In the root of the project, there is a directory called dlava. In this directory there are two files: Metadata.xml and Plan.xml

The Metadata.xml file has code-generated-relative metadata for the class. For now, the file for the Store example is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

		"Meta Data"

		<class fqn="">
			<id ref="id"/>
				<field name="id">
				<field name="name">
				<field name="creationDate">
					<finfo hasForm="false" hasTimePart="true"/>
				<field name="creatorUser">
					<finfo hasForm="false"/>
				<field name="creatorUserId">
					<finfo ignore="true"/>
				<field name="modificationDate">
					<finfo hasForm="false" hasTimePart="true"/>
				<field name="modifierUser">
					<finfo hasForm="false"/>
				<field name="modifierUserId">
					<finfo ignore="true"/>
				<field name="version">
					<finfo hasForm="false" hasFVO="false"/>

Through this file, you can modify the metadata which are necessary for code generation, e.g. the field creatorUser has hasForm="false", which means this field is not generated in the Form Page.

Another file, Plan.xml shows the overall plan of the generation. A summary of this file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


			def params = [
				moduleShortName : "STR",
				ajaxEditColumn  : true,
				iconClass       :,
				privilegeClass  :

		<from pkg="" includeSubPackages="true">
			<to pkgReplace="entity:vo.filter" generatorRef="FVO" genDir="common/src/main/java"/>

			<to pkgReplace="entity:iservice" generatorRef="ServiceI" genDir="common/src/main/java"/>
			<to pkgReplace="entity:service" generatorRef="ServiceM" genDir="service/src/main/java"/>

			<to pkgReplace="entity:web.dpage" generatorRef="ListH" genDir="web/src/main/java"/>
			<to pkgReplace="entity:web.dpage" generatorRef="ListJ" genDir="web/src/main/java"/>

			<to pkgReplace="entity:web.dpage" generatorRef="FormH" genDir="web/src/main/java"/>
			<to pkgReplace="entity:web.dpage" generatorRef="FormJ" genDir="web/src/main/java"/>


		<volcano name="FVO">
				targetClass.hasFVO && targetClass.entity
			<template file="/templates/FVO.gsp"



The plan consists of two parts. In the first part, the code generator scans classes in pkg package and for every found class it is passed to a volcano. If the precondition for the class passes, the code is generated based on the specified Groovy GSP file. Besides, in the first part, the package replacement and the target directory are defined. In the second part, the list of volcanos are defined, which are addressed by generatorRef in the first part.

Every generated file has a code-related comment at the first line: //overwrite for Java and <!--overwrite--> for the HTML. As these comments are set in the volcano, the code generator first check the presence of the comment at the first line. If the comment is found, the code generator overwrites the file, otherwise the code is generated in the dlava directory as conflicts. Later calling the mergecode shows the JMeld diff tool with all the conflicted files.

mvn demeter:mergecode

If the code generator can not overwrite the files, it stores the conflict list in the dlava/diffResolve.txt. Calling this goal presents the following window: JMeld Diff Tool Now you can merge codes and just add what you want from the generated ones.

mvn demeter:schemadiff

mvn demeter:applyschema

mvn demeter:keytool