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eyaml is a NIF-based YAML 1.2 parser, based on the libyaml "C" library.

  • The NIF parser is re-entrant, which means that the NIF won't block the emulator.
  • Handles the three YAML schemas fail_safe, json, and core.
  • Expands aliases.
  • Fast.

Erlang representation

The different YAML tags are mapped to erlang types as follows:

YAML tag Erlang type,2002:map map() | list({term(), term()}),2002:seq list(),2002:str binary(),2002:null 'null',2002:bool boolean(),2002:int integer(),2002:float float() | 'nan' | 'inf' | '-inf'

A YAML mapping is by default represented as an Erlang map, unless the option mapping_as_list is given, in which case the mapping is represented as a key-value list.

In the fail_safe schema, all scalars are represented as binaries.

If the option key_as_existing_atom is given, mapping string keys are converted to existing atoms. If the atom doesn't exist, or if the atom is one of true, false, null, nan, inf or -inf, then the mapping string key is returned as a binary.

The key_as_existing_atom option is useful when the schema for the YAML document is known, and all keys are already present in the code.


See eyaml.erl.



The minimum required Erlang/OTP version is 18.0

Generic build

eyaml uses


Example usage

make shell
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:1]

Eshell V10.6.4  (abort with ^G)
1> eyaml:parse(<<"foo: 42">>).
{ok,[#{<<"foo">> => 42}]}

Option key_as_existing_atom

Converts mapping keys that are strings to existing atoms.

2>  a,b,eyaml:parse(<<"a: 1\n'b': -3.0\nxyzu: 42">>, #{key_as_existing_atom => true}).
{ok,[#{a => 1,
       b => -3.0,
       <<"xyzu">> => 42}]}

3> eyaml:parse(<<"[1, 42: foo, a: b]: 42">>, #{key_as_existing_atom => true}).
{ok,[#{[1, #{42 => <<"foo">>}, #{a => <<"b">>}] => 42}]}

4> eyaml:parse(<<"true: .nan\n\"true\": \"null\"">>, #{key_as_existing_atom => true}).
{ok,[#{true => nan,
       <<"true">> => <<"null">>}]}

Parse a file with anchors and aliases.

4> step,instrument,pulseDuration,repetition,pulseEnergy,spotSize.

5> eyaml:parse_file("test/test2.yaml", #{key_as_existing_atom => true}).
{ok,[[#{step =>
            #{instrument => <<"Lasik 2000">>,
              pulseDuration => 12,
              pulseEnergy => 5.4,
              repetition => 1000,
              spotSize => <<"1mm">>}},
      #{step =>
            #{instrument => <<"Lasik 2000">>,
              pulseDuration => 10,
              pulseEnergy => 5.0,
              repetition => 500,
              spotSize => <<"2mm">>}},
      #{step =>
            #{instrument => <<"Lasik 2000">>,
              pulseDuration => 12,
              pulseEnergy => 5.4,
              repetition => 1000,
              spotSize => <<"1mm">>}},
      #{step =>
            #{instrument => <<"Lasik 2000">>,
              pulseDuration => 10,
              pulseEnergy => 5.0,
              repetition => 500,
              spotSize => <<"2mm">>}},
      #{step =>
            #{instrument => <<"Lasik 2000">>,
              pulseDuration => 12,
              pulseEnergy => 5.4,
              repetition => 1000,
              spotSize => <<"1mm">>}},
      #{step =>
            #{instrument => <<"Lasik 2000">>,
              pulseDuration => 10,
              pulseEnergy => 5.0,
              repetition => 500,
              spotSize => <<"2mm">>}}]]}

Option mapping_as_list

Convert YAML mappings into Erlang lists.

6> eyaml:parse_file("test/test2.yaml",
   #{key_as_existing_atom => true, mapping_as_list => true}).
{ok,[[[{step,[{instrument,<<"Lasik 2000">>},
      [{step,[{instrument,<<"Lasik 2000">>},
      [{step,[{instrument,<<"Lasik 2000">>},
      [{step,[{instrument,<<"Lasik 2000">>},
      [{step,[{instrument,<<"Lasik 2000">>},
      [{step,[{instrument,<<"Lasik 2000">>},

Option schema

7> eyaml:parse(<<"a: 42\nb: 1.0\nc: Null">>, #{schema => fail_safe}).
{ok,[#{<<"a">> => <<"42">>,
       <<"b">> => <<"1.0">>,
       <<"c">> => <<"Null">>}]}

8> eyaml:parse(<<"a: 42\nb: 1.0\nc: Null">>, #{schema => json}).
{ok,[#{<<"a">> => 42,
       <<"b">> => 1.0,
       <<"c">> => <<"Null">>}]}

9> eyaml:parse(<<"a: 42\nb: 1.0\nc: Null">>, #{schema => core}).
{ok,[#{<<"a">> => 42,
       <<"b">> => 1.0,
       <<"c">> => null}]}


Run tests

make eunit

make dialyze