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An agent-based simulation of mobile ad hoc networks




The following command runs Set-up 1 as described in the article:

./app 1  80  50 50  10  100  0.01
       \   \   \ \    \    \     \
        \   \   \ \    \    \     start with 1% selfish agents
         \   \   \ \    \    run each simulation 100 times
          \   \   \ \    simulate ten days
           \   \   use a 50x50 sized grid
            \   use a population of 80 agents
             use set-up 1

In general you can run

./app x a b c d e f (g h i)


x = set-up to use: 1 - binary, 2 - stochastic, 3 - advanced strategies
a = number of agents
b c = size of the world
d = number of days to simulate
e = how often the simulation should run
f = initial ratio of selfish agents
g = initial ratio of tit-for-tat agents   (used only for set-up 3)
h = initial ratio of battery-based agents (used only for set-up 3)
i = initial ratio of hybrid agents        (used only for set-up 3)

For further examples, see the Makefile. You can run make all-results to run all experiments -- they will take a long time!