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Audit Logging

Audit Logging for Laravel projects


The recommended method to install LaravelRepository is with composer

php composer require mblsolutions/audit-logging

Laravel without auto-discovery

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Package configuration

Copy the package configuration to your local config directory.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=audit-logging-config

Database Driver

If you would like to use the Database driver to store your audit logs, you will first need to create and run the database driver migration.

php artisan audit:database:table

This will create a new migration in database/migrations, after creating this migration run the database migrations to create the new table.

php artisan migrate


The configuration and setup can be adjusted in the audit logging config file located in config/audit-logging.php. We recommend reading through the config file before enabling audit logging to ensure you have the optimum setup.

Enable/Disable Logging

Before logs are stored you will need to enable audit logging by setting the config values to true.

// Request Audit Logging
'enabled' => env('AUDIT_LOGGING_ENABLED', false),

// Event Audit Logging
'event_enabled' => env('EVENT_AUDIT_LOGGING_ENABLED', true)

This can also be set in your .env file by using the corresponding environment variable


Audit Logging Middleware

To enable audit logging for routes there are multiple ways this can be achieved, middleware aliases has been created

  • web-audit-logging
  • api-audit-logging
  • console-audit-logging

The only differences with these middleware are the log type

Single Route

You can enable audit logging for a single route by applying the middleware to the route.

use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

Route::get('/user', function () {

Or by using the fully qualified class name

use Illuminate\Routing\Route;
use MBLSolutions\AuditLogging\Http\Middleware\AuditLogging;

Route::get('/user', function () {

Route Groups

You can apply the middleware to a group of routes.

use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

Route::middleware(['web-audit-logging'])->group(function () {

    Route::get('/', function () {

    Route::get('/user', function () {


Excluding Routes

You can exclude specific routes in a group of middleware.

use Illuminate\Routing\Route;

Route::middleware(['api-audit-logging'])->group(function () {

    Route::get('/', function () {

    Route::get('/user', function () {


Optional Model/Trait for Log Retrieval

We have included an AuditLog Model with a BindsDynamically trait which you can use if you'd like to use an eloquent model for retrieving and formatting data.

  • MBLSolutions\AuditLogging\Models\AuditLog - Implements BindsDynamically trait. Can be extended if needed.
  • MBLSolutions\AuditLogging\Traids\BindsDynamically - Can be used in custom model or automatically as above.

Using Model with BindsDynamically trait

In order to use the AuditLog model (or any model implementing the BindsDynamically trait) you need to instantiate it with a connection and table as in the example below:

$config = config('audit-logging.drivers.database');

$auditLog = new MBLSolutions\AuditLogging\Models\AuditLog;

You can then use the $auditLog as you would any eloquent model.

Archiving Logs

If you would like to archive your logs and continue with a fresh table then you can use the archive command by running:

php artisan audit:database:archive

If you have installed fresh from version 1.6.0 you are good to go, otherwise if you have an existing installation from an earlier version you should run the update migration to add an index to the audit logs created_at column (if you have not already). You just need to publish the update with:

php artisan audit:update:addindex

and then remember to run

php artisan migrate

This should be done as soon as possible after your archiving as the more data in the table the longer the migration will take.


Audit Logging is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.