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My .vim folder

currently using vundle to manage :

  • Command-T
  • IndexedSearch
  • VisIncr
  • ack.vim
  • camelcasemotion
  • delimitMate
  • neocomplcache
  • nerdcommenter
  • quickrun
  • rspec.vim
  • syntastic
  • testerical
  • vim-coffee-script
  • vim-colors-solarized
  • vim-css3-syntax
  • vim-cucumber
  • vim-endwise
  • vim-fugitive
  • vim-ghetto-todo
  • vim-haml
  • vim-javascript
  • vim-markdown
  • vim-rails
  • vim-repeat
  • vim-ruby
  • vim-smartword
  • vim-sparkup
  • vim-surround
  • vim-surround_custom_mapping
  • vim-themes
  • vimfiler
  • vimproc
  • vundle

(rebuild this list with r!ls bundle)


  • clone repository into .vim
  • run rake init to set up some basic things. This command should only ever be run once
  • open vim, and run :BundleInstall. This will use vundle to install the latest version of all plugins into ~/.vim/bundle/.
  • close vim, and run rake plugin:setup. This will do things like compile binaries required for some plugins.
  • Reopen vim. Should see solarized light and everything should be working
  • win

File Structure

  • after(/plugin/keymaps.vim): All custom key maps are in here, so that they get priority over plugins
  • autoload: pathogen (plugin management system) is installed here
  • backup: location for all vim temp files
  • bundle: All plugins are installed here by vundle


vimrc is basically just a bootstrap file that will load each of the following files

  • settings.vim: editor config
  • vundles.vim: plugin management configuration by vundle
  • plugin-config: keymaps and settings
  • autocmds.vim: setting up things to do with hooks
  • functions.vim: a bunch of functions, mostly pillaged from other peoples vimrc files
  • statusline.vim: bunch of customizations for the modeline (lifted from scrooloose's vimrc)
  • keymaps.vim: link to bundle/plugin/keymaps.vim for convenience


due to the way vundle works, you need to be in vim to invoke it, but there are a lot of configuration settings that depend on specific plugins to be installed. To avoid a ton of errors, most of the configuration will not load until a file exists in ~/.vim/.plugins_installed. if the installation instructions are followed, you shouldn't have to worry about this, but it can be useful to know if something isn't working.


my .vim directory






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