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Code and slides for a beginner presentation titled "Introduction to ChatGPT, Whisper & Github Copilot for Python Development"

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Introduction to ChatGPT, Copilot & Whisper

This is a talk that I presented for the Python User Group Singapore & National Library Board in May 2023.

You can find the slides here

You can find a video of the talk here

This is part two of a three part series

  1. Introduction to ChatGPT, Copilot & Whisper
  2. Summarising books with ChatGPT, Python and Logseq
  3. Talk to your notes with Logseq and ChatGPT

Usage with Docker

I don't recommend using this with Docker because it is much slower than using it on a MacBook. But if you want to try it out, you can do this:

  • close this repo and cd into the cloned folder
  • `docker-compose build``
  • docker-compose run -rm python --source youtube --url YOUTUBE_URL --title "VIDEO_TITLE" --authors "VIDEO_AUTHORS"

The output should appear in the files/summaries folder eventually.

Usage on local machine

  • First, follow the steps in the Local Setup for MacOS section
  • If you want to summarize a Youtube video, run this command:
    • python -m gpt_summarize.gpt_summarize --source youtube --url YOUTUBE_URL --title "VIDEO_TITLE" --authors "VIDEO_AUTHORS"
  • If you want to summarize a PDF, run this command:
    • python -m gpt_summarize.gpt_summarize --source pdf --url PDF_URL --title "PDF_TITLE" --authors "PDF_AUTHORS"
  • If you want to summarize a website, run this command:
    • python -m gpt_summarize.gpt_summarize --source website --url WEBSITE_URL --title "WEBSITE_TITLE" --authors "WEBSITE_AUTHORS"

Note: PDF and Website is not very well tested and there are tons of edge cases that will make these commands crash.

Youtube videos work very well. The only thing that I found is that sometimes, for very long videos, Whisper spasms out and while it does transcribe everything correctly, it stops adding punctuation. Without full stops, the do_summarize module cannot create proper chunks with spacy (based on full sentences), and then the chunk gets too big and the API call to OpenAI fails.

Local Setup for MacOS

If you would like to use this tool on your own machine, you can do this:

NOTE: This should work fine even on Windows, you probably just need to figure out how to install ffmpeg over there. I'm not sure if whisper.cpp works on windows.

First, setup the faster whisper.cpp:

  • mkdir ~/Repos && cd ~/Repos
  • git clone
  • cd whisper.cpp
  • bash ./models/ base.en
  • make

Now prepare this repo:

  • Clone this repo & cd into it
  • Make sure you have pyenv installed with the virtualenv plugin
  • Make sure you have homebrew installed
  • Create a virtual environment: pyenv virtualenv chatgpt-copilot-whisper
  • Activate the virtual environment: pyenv activate chatgpt-copilot-whisper
  • Upgrade pip: pip install pip --upgrade
  • Install all dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install ffmpeg: brew install ffmpeg
  • Download spacy model: python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  • Create your file:
    • cd gpt_summarize
    • cp
    • Edit the file and add your OpenAI API key and change the FFMPEG_PATH if needed (try which ffmpeg in your terminal to find out where it is) and change REPO_PATH (this repo) and WHISPER_REPO_PATH ( the whisper.cpp repo)

Also, create the following folder structure inside this repo:

├── files
│   ├── audio
│   ├── book
│   ├── logseq
│   ├── summaries
│   ├── website
│   └── transcripts

You can do so via:

mkdir -p files/audio
mkdir -p files/book
mkdir -p files/logseq
mkdir -p files/summaries
mkdir -p files/transcripts
mkdir -p files/website

If setup worked, you should be able to summarize a video like so:

  • cd into the git repo
  • python -m gpt_summarize.gpt_summarize --source youtube --url YOUTUBE_URL --title "SOME_TITLE" --authors "SOME AUTHORS"

Running the tests

There are a few pytest tests in this repo. You can run them like so:

  • pytest -vs --cov=. --cov-report term-missing --cov-report html

Structure of this repo

  • is your main entry point. Based on the command line arguments that you pass, it will decide which module to run.
  • If you want to summarize a video, the logic is in
    • makes use of The other two obviously don't need that.
  • If you want to summarize a PDF, the logic is in
  • If you want to summarize a website, the logic is in
  • All three modules make use of

In theory, you can call each part of the pipeline individually like so:

# Download a video:
python -m gpt_summarize.source_youtube <some youtube URL>

# Then transcribe it:
python -m gpt_summarize.do_transcribe <path to mp3>

# Then summarize it:
python -m gpt_summarize.do_summarize <path to transcript>

Running the slids

  • git checkout slides
  • Learn more about how to run and build the slides in the in the slides branch


Code and slides for a beginner presentation titled "Introduction to ChatGPT, Whisper & Github Copilot for Python Development"






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