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The Trains Visualization

Michael Barry edited this page Aug 26, 2014 · 3 revisions

This section from Visualizing MBTA Data displays train locations over time using a Marey diagram (also called a time-distance diagram). These diagrams are sometimes difficult to interpret, so we place a map along-side that shows the location of each train when you hover over a particular time in the Marey diagram. We also add lightweight interaction that highlights the dot representing a train when you hover over its line and vice versa - which also serves to explain the diagram and reinforce the two levels of abstraction. the-trains.js is responsible for rendering the full Marey diagram, the lined-up Marey diagram which is displayed after this initial digram, the map glyph showing train locations, and setting up interaction with surrounding text.

Required data format

This visualization requires 4 data files to render:

  • station-network.json nodes (stations) and links that represent the network topology of the subway system
  • spider.json screen placement for stations in order to render the map glyph
  • marey-trips.json station/timestamp sequence for each train trip rendered in the diagram
  • marey-header.json ordering of stations as vertical lines from left to right in the diagram

station-network.json and spider.json are described in [Common Data Files](Common Data Files).


Contains the station/timestamp sequence for each train trip rendered in the diagram. Expected format:

    "stops": [
        "time": unix timestamp (in seconds) when the train reached this stop,
        "stop": "GTFS ID of this stop"
      }, other stops along this trip ...
    "begin": pre-calculated min time from stops list,
    "end": pre-calculated max time from stops list,
    "line": "name of the subway line this trip is on",
    "trip": "unique identifier for this trip"
  }, other trips in the marey ...


Contains the placement for lines representing stops along the marey diagram. Expected format:

  "GTFS station ID|line name": [
    y-position - not used
  ], other stops...

These are generated manually to control the layout.