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docs: added clarity in lifecycle event docs (angular#50145)
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Closes angular#49686

Revert "docs(docs-infra): Remove unused annotation template (angular#50114)" (angular#50206)

This reverts commit a1ca162.

This commit causes failures in g3, because `@Annotation` is load-bearing for
tsickle's decorator downleveling transformation.

PR Close angular#50206

refactor(compiler): generate ng-container instructions (angular#50008)

ElementContainer instructions refer to `ng-container` element tags, which don't produce corresponding DOM nodes. Much like element instructions, container instructions can also have their start and end tags combined.

Co-authored-by: Alex Rickabaugh <>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Scott <>

PR Close angular#50008

refactor(compiler): handle binary operators (angular#50008)

We should be able to ingest binary operators. This involves parsing the left and right ASTs, and converting the operator string to a logical `BinaryOperator`.

Co-authored-by: Alex Rickabaugh <>

PR Close angular#50008

refactor(compiler): handle chains in event listeners (angular#50008)

It's possible to have chains of statements, exclusively in event listeners. A listener with a chain looks like the following:

(click)="onClick($event); 1 == 1"

We handle this by generating multiple statements, one for each expression in the chain, and only making the final statement the return statement. We place this logic in code specific to listeners, since they are the only place this construct can appear.

Co-authored-by: Alex Rickabaugh <>

PR Close angular#50008

refactor(compiler): generate property instructions for `ng-template` inputs (angular#50008)

When ingesting an `ng-template`, inputs might be on the `inputs` or the `templateAttrs` field. More investigation is required to pinpoint the specifics of `templateAttrs`.

For now, we can process them both and generate the appropriate update-mode property instructions.

Co-authored-by: Alex Rickabaugh <>

PR Close angular#50008

refactor(compiler): support `KeyedRead` expressions (angular#50008)

The compiler can now accept key read expressions (e.g. `foo[bar]`), where both the receiver and index are sub-expressions.

PR Close angular#50008

refactor(compiler): extract save/restore view logic to separate phase (angular#50008)

Saving and restoring the view is significant enough that it makes sense to handle it independently. This makes for easier reasoning about how view save/restore works.
Co-authored-by: Alex Rickabaugh <>

PR Close angular#50008

refactor(core): remove webworker related checks on `assertDomNode` (angular#50061)

Since the drop of the webworker platform the node can't be a `WebWorkerRenderNode`.

PR Close angular#50061

refactor(platform-server): import `xhr2` dynamically in the ServerXhr class (angular#50095)

This commit updates the `@angular/common/http` and `@angular/platform-server` packages to allow dynamic import of the `xhr2` dependency. The `xhr2` dependency has side-effects that rely on a global scope and as a result in some environments those side-effectful calls fail. With the changes from this PR, the import is delayed until it's actually needed, which gives a chance for the underlying platform to setup global scope (via shims) as needed.

Co-authored-by: alan-agius4 <>

PR Close angular#50095

build: remove unused deps (angular#50116)

* All `@types` package removed have typings in their package.
* brotli is unused
* tmp is unused
* vlq is unused

PR Close angular#50116

fix(core): bootstrapApplication call not rejected when error is thrown in importProvidersFrom module (angular#50120)

Fixes that the promise returned by `bootstrapApplication` wasn't being rejected when a module imported using `importProvidersFrom` throws an error. The problem was that the function that resolves the providers happens very early as the injector is being constructed.

Fixes angular#49923.

PR Close angular#50120

docs(forms): warn the user about getting old values and show how to avoid (angular#50123)
PR Close angular#50123

docs(forms): warn the user about getting old values and show how to avoid (angular#50123)

Co-authored-by: Andrew Kushnir <>
PR Close angular#50123

docs(forms): warn the user about getting old values and show how to avoid (angular#50123)

PR Close angular#50123

refactor(core): Throw an error when the document is not initialized. (angular#50143)

In case the document is accessed but not available we should throw ASAP an error to prevent non explicit errors.

PR Close angular#50143

fix(core): only try to retrieve transferred state on the browser (angular#50144)

Prior to this commit we tried to retrieve transferred state on both browser and server. Doing this on the server was redundant and could causes issues as `document` might be undefined.

Closes angular#50138

PR Close angular#50144

build: update dependency https-proxy-agent to v6 (angular#50152)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#50152

docs: changed component name to home.component.ts in point 2 of step 3 (angular#50170)

PR Close angular#50170

docs: fix obs variable name to obs$ (angular#50196)

PR Close angular#50196

docs: Fixed Spelling 'servivce' to 'service' (angular#50204)

PR Close angular#50204

docs: fix filename in first-app (angular#50207)

Same mistake as angular#50204 but a different file.

PR Close angular#50207

refactor(core): Update CD traversal to use 'modes' (angular#50005)

Rather than maintaining separate traversal functions that act differently, this change
updates the change detection traversal to share more code and use different modes
to control the type of traversal being performed.

PR Close angular#50005

docs: delete aborted documentation files (angular#49962)

Those files were created as part of angular#47391 but the content was never merged.

PR Close angular#49962

refactor(compiler): Remove unused TransformVisitor & NullVisitor (angular#48646)

NullVisitor & TransformVisitor are unused and unexported outside the compiler package, we can remove them.

PR Close angular#48646

build: lock file maintenance (angular#49914)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#49914

test(zone.js): update zone.js test for jasmine upgrade (angular#49914)

Update test cases to pass jasmine 6.x update.

PR Close angular#49914

refactor(common): cleanup platformLocation (angular#50054)

* Drop the usage of @Inject()
* Drop `supportsState` as its supported by evergreen browsers.

PR Close angular#50054

refactor(compiler): introduce internal transplanted type (angular#50104)

Adds a new AST for a `TransplantedType` in the compiler which will be used for some upcoming work. A transplanted type is a type node that is defined in one place in the app, but needs to be copied to a different one (e.g. the generated .d.ts). These changes also include updates to the type translator that will rewrite any type references within the type to point to the new context file.

PR Close angular#50104

build(devtools): make sure linker runs on fesm2022 bundles (angular#50086)

Since DevTools' Angular framework dependencies are built from local files, they are always up to date. [Recently](angular#49332) these dependencies started being published as fesm2022 instead of fesm2020. We also have an Angular dependency `ngx-flamegraph` that was built and published as fesm2020.

The easiest fix to make sure all of our Angular based dependencies are processed by the linker would be to update the filterPaths field in that file from `/fesm2020/` to `/fesm2020|fesm2022/`. When v16 releases, we can update ngx-flamegraph and publish it with the new APF, letting us change filterPaths to just `/fesm2022/`.

PR Close angular#50086

build(devtools): target es2020 explicitly (angular#50086)

We do this because of a bug caused by evanw/esbuild#2950 and a recent change to how angular static properties are attached to class constructors. Targeting esnext or es2022 will cause the static initializer blocks that attach these static properties on class constructors to reference a class constructor variable that they do not have access to.

Because of this we explicitly target es2020 in our Angular DevTools builds.

PR Close angular#50086

docs: update releases guide for v16 (angular#50128)

Also clarify that the deprecations guide is for _noteworthy_ deprecations and may not be comprehensive.

PR Close angular#50128

docs: update starter lesson to contain example images from the start (angular#50212)

We received feedback that the starter lesson should also include the stock images.

PR Close angular#50212

fix(core): handle hydration of root components with injected ViewContainerRef (angular#50136)

This commit fixes an issue where a root component with an injected ViewContainerRef (for ex. `inject(ViewContainerRef)`) was triggering a certain code path during hydration which didn't handle this case correctly.

Resolves angular#50133.

PR Close angular#50136

feat(core): support TypeScript 5.1 (angular#50156)

Updates the project to support building with TypeScript 5.1.

PR Close angular#50156

docs: standalone component preloading config (angular#50193)

The preloading modules documentation were missing information about how to apply preloading strategies to standalone application  ( `ng new AppName --standalone` ).
Feel free to fix anything not in line with the Angular documentation style guide, as this is my first attempt at contributing :)

- Added example for `app.config.ts` providing info on the `withPreloading(<preloading strategy>)` you can add to the `provideRouter()` RouterFeatures.
- Specified that preloading modules also applies for standalone components.
PR Close angular#50193

refactor(router): remove private export of `withPreloading` (angular#50194)

`withPreloading` is part of the public API.

PR Close angular#50194

fix(core): handle projection of hydrated containters into components that skip hydration (angular#50199)

This commit updates hydration logic to support a scenario where a view container that was hydrated and later on projected to a component that skips hydration. Currently, such projected content is extracted from the DOM (since a component that skips hydration needs to be re-created), but never added back, since the current logic treats such content as "already inserted".

Closes angular#50175.

PR Close angular#50199

fix(core): add additional component metadata to component ID generation (angular#50203)

This commit add `exportAs`, `signals`, `inputs` and `outputs` into account when generating a component ID.

See: angular#50158 (comment)

PR Close angular#50203

docs: fix link label. (angular#50209)

Removing a duplicate https protocol.

PR Close angular#50209

docs: fix typos on first-app tutorial (angular#50211)

PR Close angular#50211

refactor(core): drop `next` prefix from hydration guide link (angular#50214)

This commit updates the content of the console log to drop the `next.` prefix from hydration guide link.

PR Close angular#50214

build: update github/codeql-action action to v2.3.3 (angular#50216)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#50216

docs(docs-infra): Remove warning for `@Annotation`. (angular#50218)

Per angular#50206, `@Annotation` is needed for tsickle. This commit removes the warning "Invalid tags found" produced by dgeni for the annotation decorator.

PR Close angular#50218

docs: fix typo on hydration in Preserve Whitespaces Configuration (angular#50236)
PR Close angular#50236

docs: release notes for the v16.0.1 release

release: cut the v16.1.0-next.0 release

refactor(core): simplify state transfer escaping (angular#50201)

This commit removes unnecessary transfer state escaping and updates this process to be done by the means of a `replacer` and `reviver` method as this removes the need to export the escaping and unescaping methods.

The only thing that we need to escape is `<script` and `</script` which are done by the browsers, but not Node.js.

PR Close angular#50201

build: lock file maintenance (angular#50227)

See associated pull request for more information.

(cherry picked from commit d5f92bd)

PR Close angular#50227

refactor: remove unused benchmarks (angular#50108)

The benchmarks in the 'old' directory are not used / maintained.

PR Close angular#50108

refactor: remove benchpres tests for other frameworks (angular#50108)

Some of the benchpress tests were written against other UI
frameworks (ex.: incremental DOM, initial version of ivy)
and those frameworks are no longer a valuable comparision target.

PR Close angular#50108

docs(docs-infra): Warning message when using absolute links to aio in the documentation (angular#50213)

This commit adds a processor to check for absolute links to Absolute links to aio should be avoided because they will appear as external links.

PR Close angular#50213

docs: replace absolute links to aio with relative links. (angular#50213)

This change follows the introduction of the warning message from a transform processor to prevent absolute links to

PR Close angular#50213

refactor(elements): remove unnecessary polyfill deps (angular#50115)

`webcomponents/custom-elements` and `document-register-element` are unnecessary now that we support only evergreen browsers.

PR Close angular#50115

build: update dependency firebase-tools to v12 (angular#50223)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#50223

fix(core): allow onDestroy unregistration while destroying (angular#50237)

Ensure that all onDestroy callbacks are called by allowing unregistering of onDestroy hooks while destroying.

Fixes angular#50221

PR Close angular#50237

docs: fix v13 dependencies versions. (angular#50243)

Fixing a small mistake.

Fixes angular#50242

PR Close angular#50243

docs: split unsupported versions table in two. (angular#50243)

To ease the maintenance of this table and keep the same number of columns between active and unsupported versions.

PR Close angular#50243

build: bump in-memory-web-api dependency versions (angular#50246)

This commit updates in-memory-web-api package versions from v15 -> v16.

PR Close angular#50246

build: lock file maintenance (angular#49879)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#49879

docs: update Angular CLI help [main] (angular#50256)

Updated Angular CLI help contents.

PR Close angular#50256

docs: fix mistake in tutorial (angular#50261)

PR Close angular#50261

build: update dependency @rollup/plugin-commonjs to v25 (angular#50264)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#50264

docs: add missing "when" (angular#50262)
PR Close angular#50262

fix(docs-infra): labels with links should have the same font weight (angular#50258)

Fix anchor tag styling inside label.api-status-label to match font weight of label styling that does not have anchor tag.

PR Close angular#50258

build: update all non-major dependencies (angular#50217)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#50217

build: share Saucelabs browsers between karma test targets using background Saucelabs daemon and custom karma launcher (angular#49200)

This upgrades the Saucelabs Bazel step on CI to use the more efficient Saucelabs daemon

PR Close angular#49200

build: address review feedback; added scripts/test/ script for local testing (angular#49200)

more chars to meet the linters requirements

PR Close angular#49200

build: address review feedback; should be ready to land now... additional chars to meet commit msg formatting requirements (angular#49200)

plus more additional chars here

PR Close angular#49200

build: don't run saucelabs tests yet on PRs... that will happen in a followup (angular#49200)

additional test to make linter happy

PR Close angular#49200

refactor(core): remove legacy way of preventing default actions (angular#50257)

Setting `returnValue = false` to prevent the default action of events hasn't been necessary since IE9.

PR Close angular#50257

docs: fix inconsistencies in getting started (angular#50275)

Fixes angular#50274

PR Close angular#50275

docs: fix mistake in first-app-lesson-03 (angular#50278)

The correct filename is `home.component.ts`.

fixes angular#50277

PR Close angular#50278

docs(docs-infra): Remove internal constructors from the doc. (angular#50282)

Internal constructor should not be exposed in the doc. This removes them.

Related to angular#50281

PR Close angular#50282

docs(docs-infra): Add a deprecated label to APIs (angular#50287)

This adds a deprecated label next to the other labels on the API pages for methods & properties.

Fixes angular#44265

PR Close angular#50287

docs: Glossary link to N (angular#50294)

The shortcut to N was missing resulting in a rendering issue.

PR Close angular#50294

docs: add Enea to GDE contributors list (angular#50254)

PR Close angular#50254

docs: update events (angular#50309)

Generated `events.json` with the latest events retrieved from the Firebase DB.

PR Close angular#50309

fix(core): allow passing value of any type to `isSignal` function (angular#50035)

Unlike the current signature where the input argument must a function, this change allows an input of any type to be passed to the `isSignal` function.

PR Close angular#50035

refactor(common): Reduce the precision to 2 digits in the ngOptimizedImage distortion warning message (angular#50276)

Using toFixed().

fixes angular#50273

PR Close angular#50276

refactor(core): Improve `ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError` (angular#50286)

Related to angular#50272 and angular#18970, this improves the error message of NG100 by including the class name of the component where the error was triggered.

PR Close angular#50286

refactor(forms): remove unnecessary Array.from (angular#50314)

The Array.from isn't necessary since we're just iterating over the map keys.

PR Close angular#50314

docs: updated 'conceptual preview' title (angular#50326)
PR Close angular#50326

docs: fix typo in NG0912 error guide (angular#50322)
PR Close angular#50322

docs: fix typo in dependency injection guide (angular#50323)
PR Close angular#50323

docs: fix typo in security guide (angular#50324)
PR Close angular#50324

Revert "fix(core): add additional component metadata to component ID generation (angular#50203)" (angular#50334)

This reverts commit 52c74d3.

The reason for revert: breaking some apps in Google's codebase.

PR Close angular#50334

docs: added wiki link for domain model (angular#50180)

Closes angular#49570

PR Close angular#50180

build: update all non-major dependencies (angular#50316)

See associated pull request for more information.

PR Close angular#50316

docs: update live demo for change detector (angular#50328)

fixes angular#44553

PR Close angular#50328

docs: remove plnkr link from markForCheck example (angular#50328)

PR Close angular#50328

refactor(core): Add a warning when `ApplicationRef.isStable` doesn't emit `true` (angular#50295)

Hydration requires a stable App to run some logic.
With this warning developers will be informed about potential issues encountered when running an unstable app.

Fixes angular#50285

PR Close angular#50295

fix(core): add additional component metadata to component ID generation (angular#50336)

This commit add `exportAs`, `signals`, `inputs` and `outputs` into account when generating a component ID.

Co-authored-by: alan-agius4 <>

PR Close angular#50336

docs: release notes for the v16.0.2 release

release: cut the v16.1.0-next.1 release

docs: fixed typo

PR Close angular#50145
  • Loading branch information
sumitparakh authored and thePunderWoman committed May 19, 2023
1 parent a270caa commit 2f1796f
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 2 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions packages/core/src/interface/lifecycle_hooks.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export interface OnDestroy {
* @description
* A lifecycle hook that is called after Angular has fully initialized
* all content of a directive.
* all content of a directive. It will run only once when the projected content is initialized.
* Define an `ngAfterContentInit()` method to handle any additional initialization tasks.
* @see `OnInit`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ export interface AfterContentInit {
* @description
* A lifecycle hook that is called after the default change detector has
* completed checking all content of a directive.
* completed checking all content of a directive. It will run after the content
* has been checked and most of the time it's during a change detection cycle.
* @see `AfterViewChecked`
* @see [Lifecycle hooks guide](guide/lifecycle-hooks)
Expand Down

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