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Semantic Network Analysis Pipeline


Directory Permissions

For user files to be managed by the application and logs to be written, the server's user group needs to have access to both the base SNAP directory, and to the userfiles directory, wherever it is located on the host machine.

One of the easiest ways to achieve this on linux or mac is by setting the group of those directorys to whatever group the server is running under - something like www-data on ubuntu, ex: sudo chgrp www-data SNAP-Users - then set the group permissions of those folders to allow write access for the group, ex: sudo chmod g+w SNAP-Users.

On windows, this can be achieved by going to properties->security for that folder, then adding the server's group with the correct permissions.

TODO: What is the server's user group on Mac?

The following is needed for a public/production instance of the project, not for local development:

The apache server needs to be configured to disallow directory access. This can be accomplished by placing or editing the Options line in the <Directory> section of apache2.conf to be something like:

<Directory /path/to/snap>
    Options -Indexes

Of course, other options or directory settings should also apply.

Email Registration

The email registration sends via the php email library, using the sendmail application, so if you need to have said feature working, you'll need to ensure that is installed:

sudo apt install sendmail (or whatever your system's equivalent is)

Sendmail requires a fully qualified domain name to work correctly, so locate your hosts file (/etc/hosts on ubuntu 18.04), and add the following: <hostname>

where <hostname> is replaced with your machine's hostname.

Note: This was true for a dev machine running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Mail config may depend on os, machine, and version.


Semantic Network Analysis Project







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