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utility script updates (#366)
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* naively replacing sload/sstore with mload/mstore. this does not work. the hex is way out of range and crashes ganache, and if i pick a smaller but still arbitrary number it just returns 0. loading things into memory is just going to be different and im working out how

* this is adding some utility scripts to the repo that i've had on my machine for a
while but belong here.

- takes two arguments, the path to a yul file and a
  decimal-represented integer, compiles that yul to evm, starts ganache,
  ships that evm to gananch, calls `main()`, and checks to see if the
  result is the same as the integer passed. this is a restricted fragment
  of the travis testing script but much faster and helpful for development.

- solc_bin runs solc on a solidity program and produces a binary

- solc_bin runs solc on a solidity program and produces yul

- travisdebug kicks a travis instance into debug mode so that you can log
  in to it.

* Adding quick comments to utility scripts

* removing an old utility script that i haven't used in months and don't remember what it does

* removing my now stale travis authentication token from the travis script and replacing it with a use of a commandline argument. classic.

* helper shell command updates

* helper shell command updates

* adding a utility script for running solc with the optimizer on and just showing what the result is.

* adding jazzed up command line options to a script

* reverting busted mstore/mload calls so that i can make a pr with just the utility scripts that doesn't fail the travis tests
  • Loading branch information
ivoysey committed Aug 20, 2021
1 parent f508808 commit 7a9d020
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Showing 7 changed files with 324 additions and 69 deletions.
260 changes: 260 additions & 0 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@

# takes two arguments, the path to a yul file and a
# decimal-represented integer, compiles that yul to evm, starts ganache,
# ships that evm to gananch, calls `main()`, and checks to see if the
# result is the same as the integer passed. this is a restricted fragment
# of the travis testing script but much faster and helpful for development.
# by default we pass the yul through the optimizer since that's what the
# travis script does, but we take the [-n] flag for "no optimizer" to omit
# this when we're interested in running litearlly the file passed.

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "usage: [-n] [-y fileOfYulCode.yul] [-o expectedValueInDecimalNotation]"
exit 1


while getopts "ny:o:" option; do
case $option in
n) # optimize the yul before running it
\?) # Invalid option
echo "Error: Invalid option $OPTARG"

if ! output=$(docker run -v "$( pwd -P )":/sources ethereum/solc:stable --bin --strict-assembly $OPTIMIZE /sources/"$YULFILE")
echo "Exiting because solc returned non-zero"
exit 1

echo "Yul that produced the binary:"
TOP=$(echo "$output" | grep -n "Pretty printed source:" | cut -f1 -d:)
BOT=$(echo "$output" | grep -n "Binary representation:" | cut -f1 -d:)
TOP=$((TOP+1)) # drop the line with the name
BOT=$((BOT-2)) # drop the empty line after the binary
echo -ne "$output" | sed -n $TOP','$BOT'p' | bat -l javascript --style=plain

TOP=$(echo "$output" | grep -n "Binary representation" | cut -f1 -d:)
BOT=$(echo "$output" | grep -n "Text representation" | cut -f1 -d:)
TOP=$((TOP+1)) # drop the line with the name
BOT=$((BOT-1)) # drop the empty line after the binary
EVM_BIN=$(echo "$output" | sed -n $TOP','$BOT'p' )
echo "binary representation is:"
echo "$EVM_BIN"


GAS_HEX=$(printf '%x' "$GAS")
EXPECTED="0x"$(printf '%064x' "$OUTCOME")

# start up ganache
echo "starting ganache-cli"
ganache-cli --debug --gasLimit "$GAS" --accounts="$NUM_ACCT" --defaultBalanceEther="$START_ETH" &> /dev/null &

# form the JSON object to ask for the list of accounts
ACCT_DATA=$( jq -ncM \
--arg "jn" "2.0" \
--arg "mn" "eth_accounts" \
--argjson "pn" "[]" \
--arg "idn" "1" \

# ganache-cli takes a little while to start up, and the first thing that we
# need from it is the list of accounts. so we poll on the account endpoint
# until we get a good result to avoid using sleep or something less precise.
echo "querying ganache-cli until accounts are available"
until [ "$KEEPGOING" -eq 0 ] ;
ACCTS=$(curl --silent -X POST --data "$ACCT_DATA" http://localhost:8545)
sleep 1

## step 1: get an account from ganache
# todo: i'm not sure what account to use for the "to" account. (issue #302)
ACCT=$(echo "$ACCTS" | jq '.result[0]' | tr -d '"')
echo "ACCT is $ACCT"

# todo: 0x0 is the value being sent with the transaction; right now that's nothing (issue #302)
PARAMS=$( jq -ncM \
--arg "fn" "$ACCT" \
--arg "gn" "0x$GAS_HEX" \
--arg "gpn" "$GAS_PRICE" \
--arg "vn" "0x0" \
--arg "dn" "0x$EVM_BIN" \

## step 2: send a transaction
SEND_DATA=$( jq -ncM \
--arg "jn" "2.0" \
--arg "mn" "eth_sendTransaction" \
--argjson "pn" "$PARAMS" \
--arg "idn" "1" \

echo "transaction being sent is given by"
echo "$SEND_DATA" | jq

RESP=$(curl -s -X POST --data "$SEND_DATA" http://localhost:8545)
echo "response from ganache is: " #$RESP
echo "$RESP" | jq

# todo: this is not an exhaustive check on the output from curl (issue #302)
if [ "$RESP" == "400 Bad Request" ]
echo "got a 400 bad response from ganache-cli"
exit 1

ERROR=$(echo "$RESP" | tr -d '\n' | jq '.error.message')
if [ "$ERROR" != "null" ]
echo "transaction produced an error: $ERROR"

## step 3: get a transaction receipt to get the contract address
# todo: check the result of test somehow to indicate failure or not (issue #302)
# todo: this block is copied; make a function?
echo "querying ganache CLI for transaction receipt"

trans_hash=$(echo "$RESP" | jq '.result')

SEND_DATA=$( jq -ncM \
--arg "jn" "2.0" \
--arg "mn" "eth_getTransactionReceipt" \
--argjson "pn" "$trans_hash" \
--arg "idn" "1" \
echo "eth_getTransactionReceipt is being sent"
echo "$SEND_DATA" | jq

RESP=$(curl -s -X POST --data "$SEND_DATA" http://localhost:8545)
echo "response from ganache is: "
echo "$RESP" | jq

# check that the status code is 0x1 or else fail
if [[ ! $(echo "$RESP" | jq '.result.status' | tr -d '"' ) == "0x1" ]]
echo "eth_getTransactionReceipt returned an error status; aborting"

## step 4: get the contract address from the transaction receipt, stripping quotes
CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(echo "$RESP" | jq '.result.contractAddress' | tr -d '"' )

## step 5: use call and the contract address to get the result of the function

# the keccak implementation we want to use depends on the operating system; as of
# May 2021 i couldn't find one that was available in both apt and homebrew and produced
# output that matches the ABI, so we have to be flexible. this is a little bit of a hack.
if [[ $(uname) == "Linux" ]]
# this should be what happens on Travis running Ubuntu
if ! perl -e 'use Crypt::Digest::Keccak256 qw( :all )'
echo "the perl module Crypt::Digest::Keccak256 is not installed, Install it via cpam or 'apt install libcryptx-perl'."
exit 1
echo "assuming that we are on travis and getting the Keccak256 via perl"
HASH_TO_CALL=$(echo -n "$TESTEXP" | perl -e 'use Crypt::Digest::Keccak256 qw( :all ); print(keccak256_hex(<STDIN>)."\n")' | cut -c1-8)
elif [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]
# this should be what happens on OS X
if ! hash keccak-256sum
echo "keccak-256sum is not installed, Install it with 'brew install sha3sum'."
exit 1
echo "assuming that we are on OS X and getting the Keccak256 via keccak-256sum"
HASH_TO_CALL=$(echo -n "$TESTEXP" | keccak-256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -c1-8)
# if you are neither on travis nor OS X, you are on your own.
echo "unable to determine OS type to pick a keccak256 implementation"
exit 1
echo "hash to call: $HASH_TO_CALL"

# "The documentation then tells to take the parameter, encode it in hex and pad it left to 32
# bytes."
PADDED_ARG=$(printf "%032g" 0)


echo "padded arg: $PADDED_ARG"
echo "data: $DATA"

# build a JSON object to post to eth_call with the contract address as the to account, and
# padded data
PARAMS=$( jq -ncM \
--arg "fn" "$ACCT" \
--arg "tn" "$CONTRACT_ADDRESS" \
--arg "dn" "0x$DATA" \

SEND_DATA=$( jq -ncM \
--arg "jn" "2.0" \
--arg "mn" "eth_call" \
--argjson "pn" "$PARAMS" \
--arg "idn" "1" \
'{"jsonrpc":$jn,"method":$mn,"params":[$pn,"latest"],"id":$idn}' )
echo "eth_call is being sent"
echo "$SEND_DATA" | jq

RESP=$(curl -s -X POST --data "$SEND_DATA" http://localhost:8545)
echo "response from ganache is: "
echo "$RESP" | jq

GOT=$(echo "$RESP" | jq '.result' | tr -d '"')
# todo: extend JSON object with a decode field so that we can have expected values that aren't integers more easily
if [[ "$GOT" == "$EXPECTED" ]]
echo "test passed!"
echo "test failed! got:"
echo -ne "\t$GOT\n"
if hash
echo -ne "\t(decimal: $( "$GOT"))\n"
echo "but we expected:"
echo -ne "\t$EXPECTED\n"
if hash
echo -ne "\t(decimal: $( "$EXPECTED"))\n"

# clean up by killing ganache and the local files
# todo: make this a subroutine that can get called at any of the exits (issue #302)
echo "killing ganache-cli"
kill -9 "$(lsof -t -i:8545)"
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@

# this script takes an obsidian file as an argument, runs obsidian on it to
# produce yul, then runs that output yul through solc to pretty-print it
# and outputs that to stdout. this also incurrs some static checks that
# solc does. this will fail or at least produce angry looking output on
# files that are OK after optimization because of things like too many
# stack variables.

if [ ! $(basename $(pwd -P)) == "Obsidian" ]
echo "don't run this unless you're in the obsidian tld"
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions bin/solc_bin
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

# solc_bin runs solc on a solidity program and produces a binary

docker run -v "$( pwd -P )":/sources ethereum/solc:stable --bin /sources/"$1"
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions bin/solc_optimized_yul
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

# solc_optmized_yul runs solc on an argument yul file with the optimizer
# fully enabled and prints the result to stdout

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "usage: solc_optimized_yul fileOfYulCode.yul"
exit 1

if ! output=$(docker run -v "$( pwd -P )":/sources ethereum/solc:stable --strict-assembly --optimize /sources/"$1")
echo "Exiting because solc returned non-zero"
exit 1

TOP=$(echo "$output" | grep -n "Pretty printed source:" | cut -f1 -d:)
BOT=$(echo "$output" | grep -n "Binary representation:" | cut -f1 -d:)
TOP=$((TOP+1)) # drop the line with the name
BOT=$((BOT-2)) # drop the empty line after the binary
echo -ne "$output" | sed -n $TOP','$BOT'p' | bat -l javascript --style=plain
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions bin/solc_yul
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

# solc_bin runs solc on a solidity program and produces yul

bn=$(basename -s '.sol' "$1")
docker run -v "$( pwd -P )":/sources ethereum/solc:stable --ir /sources/"$1" > "$bn-sol.yul"
69 changes: 0 additions & 69 deletions bin/

This file was deleted.

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