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How are household and housing unit related?

Bill Hogan edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

The members of the household are participants of a process that realizes the residence function. Whether they or the housing unit itself is the agent of the process is an interesting question.

So if we had particulars as follows:

hh1 - household #1 hu1 - housing unit #1 rf1 - residence function #1 p1 - process #1

hh1 'is participant of' p1 p1 'realizes' rf1 rf1 'inheres in' hu1

One issue is that it means that there is no connection between a household and the housing unit until at least one member of the household sleeps there. Based on my (Bill Hogan) own experience with moving to Gainesville last year, I'm down with it.