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Speech Corpus Downloader

Download and prepare common free speech corpora. Tested with Python 3.6 and 3.7.



Requires: Python 3, SoX.

  • Go to your workspace directory.
  • Optional: Create a virtualenv.
git clone

Set the default corpus directory (DATA_DIR) in and create it. The default path is: ~/workspace/speech-corpus. The selection of used corpora for train, dev and test is currently done within the file.

cd speech-corpus-dl
pip install -r requirements.txt

To start generating the corpus run:


Be aware that this will download about 90 GiB of data and requires over 300 GiB of space to extract (if downloaded archives are not deleted).

Default Configuration

It converts all files to 16 kHz, mono, WAV files and stores them in CSV files (e.g. train.csv, dev.csv). Examples shorter than 0.7 or longer than 17.0 seconds are removed. TED-LIUM examples with labels with fewer than 5 words are removed, due to a subjective higher transcription error rate.

The generated corpus contains about 1275 hours of speech for training and takes up 144GiB of disk space. Example of the generated output folder structure:

├── cache
│   ├── dev-clean.tar.gz
│   ├── en.tar.gz
│   ├──
│   ├── TEDLIUM_release2.tar.gz
│   ├── test-clean.tar.gz
│   ├── train-clean-100.tar.gz
│   └── train-clean-360.tar.gz
├── commonvoicev2_train.csv
├── corpus
│   ├── cvv2
│   ├── LibriSpeech
│   ├── tatoeba_audio_eng
│   ├── TEDLIUM_release2
│   └── timit
├── corpus.json
├── dev.csv
├── librispeech_dev.csv
├── librispeech_test.csv
├── librispeech_train.csv
├── tatoeba_train.csv
├── tedlium_dev.csv
├── tedlium_test.csv
├── tedlium_train.csv
├── test.csv
└── train.csv

The generated CSV files have the following format:

relative/path/to/example;lower case transcription without puntuation;3.14

Where path is the relative WAV path from the DATA_DIR/corpus/ directory (String). By default label is the lower case transcription without punctuation (String). Finally, length is the audio length in seconds (Float).


  • train.csv:
    • Common Voice v2, all validated files.
    • Libri Speech train set
    • Tatoeba
    • Tedlium v2 train set
  • dev.csv:
    • Libri Speech dev set
  • test.csv:
    • Libri Speech test set

Supported Corpora

Common Voice

Libri Speech



TODO: Document


  • Website:
  • License: LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
  • Note: This is a special case since this is not a free corpus, therefore no download available. If you have a license, the corpus can be included:
    • Enable the use_timit flag in
    • Place the extracted timit data in the corpus/timit/TIMIT/ directory of your destination folder.


$ ipython tools/ 
Reading audio samples: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 897948/897948 [35:38<00:00, 419.93samples/s]
Total sample length=4592557.368s (~1275h) of workspace/speech-corpus/train.csv.
Mean sample length=81832 (5.115)s.
Plot saved to: /tmp/_plot_wav_lengths.png

Example length distribution plot

$ ipython tools/ 
Calculating statistics for workspace/speech-corpus/train.csv
Word based statistics:
	total_words = 11,716,026
	number_unique_words = 82,352
	mean_sentence_length = 13.05 words
	min_sentence_length = 1 words
	max_sentence_length = 84 words
	Most common words:  [('the', 649751), ('to', 347617), ('and', 296845), ('a', 279516), ('of', 271555), ('i', 220023), ('you', 181157), ('in', 174778), ('that', 162348), ('it', 139181)]
	27344 words occurred only 1 time; 37,415 words occurred only 2 times; 49,962 words occurred only 5 times; 57,979 words occurred only 10 times.

Character based statistics:
	total_characters = 60,402,553
	mean_label_length = 67.27 characters
	min_label_length = 2 characters
	max_label_length = 422 characters
	Most common characters: [(' ', 10818079), ('e', 6112206), ('t', 4864057), ('o', 4006837), ('a', 3917617), ('i', 3437314), ('n', 3319309), ('s', 3051207), ('h', 3000228), ('r', 2703305), ('d', 2059374), ('l', 1976372), ('u', 1444798), ('m', 1347476), ('w', 1231782), ('c', 1175514), ('y', 1145448), ('g', 1045719), ('f', 979325), ('p', 838584), ('b', 756279), ('v', 486572), ('k', 465861), ('j', 73971), ('x', 73567), ('q', 39701), ('z', 32051)]
	Most common characters: [' ', 'e', 't', 'o', 'a', 'i', 'n', 's', 'h', 'r', 'd', 'l', 'u', 'm', 'w', 'c', 'y', 'g', 'f', 'p', 'b', 'v', 'k', 'j', 'x', 'q', 'z']