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admc edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 2 revisions

This will help you get an idea of what your flex-pilot testing experience could be like!

Setting it up

  1. Download the Flex Store Demo Zip, which includes everything we need to get a fp enabled flex app running locally.
  2. Unzip the file somewhere easy to get to from the command line
  3. CD into the flexstore directory (inside the folder you extracted) and type python -m SimpleHTTPServer (this requires python 2.6.x on the system)

Run that test

  1. Open Firefox, install Selenium IDE
  2. Install Flex-Pilot-X
  3. Navigate Firefox to http://localhost:8000/flexstore.html
  4. Open Tools > Selenium IDE
  5. From Selenium IDE, goto File Open, and select flexstore_demo_script.sel from the directory you extracted
  6. Press the play button

Go setup your app!

  1. You can see the step by step I took to get the Flex Store testable.
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