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This node app uses ES6 features.

Please ensure you are running node v4 or greater!



  1. Clone the repo

  2. Create a setup/custom/credentials.js file in the root of the app.

  3. Find your XMPP password on LCTV page.

    1. Open your live stream page ( )
    2. Open Dev Tools and switch to the Elements tab
    3. Search the HTML content for "password".
    4. The XMPP password will be a long string in an object containing 'jid' and 'password'.
  4. Fill in the setup/custom/credentials.js file with the following format:

var username = 'LCTV_BOT_USERNAME';
var password = 'XMPP_BOT_PASSWORD'; // Found in step 3

module.exports = {
    room: username,
    username: username,
    jid: username + '',
    password: password,
    roomJid: room + ''
  1. Run npm install

  2. Run node index.js

  3. Some commands require extra API keys or specific variables. You can use the credentials.js file to store these variables.

module.exports = {
    // ...
    password: password,
    roomJid: room + '',
	githubRepo: 'owenconti/livecodingtv-bot',
	youtubeApiKey: 'adfadsfsadfasdf'
  1. The bot should be running and waiting for your commands!

Custom command credentials

Github repo command

  • Github repo must be publicly available
  • Attribute in credentials.js: githubRepo: 'owenconti/livecodingtv-bot'

Custom settings

Custom assets

Plugin settings

Writing plugins

Plugins can be composed of multiple commands. Commands can have four attributes:

	types: ['message'],
	regex: /^test$/,
	help: 'Returns a confirmation if the `test` message was received.'
	action: function( chat, stanza ) {
		chat.sendMessage( 'Test received!' );
  • types
    • Types must be an array, and can contain multiple types.
    • Valid types are: message presence startup websocket
    • message types are parsed when an incoming chat message is received
    • presence types are parsed when an incoming presence (user joined/left) is received
    • startup types are parsed and ran during start up
    • websocket types are parsed when an incoming websocket message is received
  • regex
  • help
    • The help attribute is used generate documentation for the !help command.
    • If no help attribute is set, no documentation will be generated for the command.
  • action
    • The action attribute is a function that is called if the regex for the command matches.
    • The logic for the command should reside inside the action attribute.
    • action is passed 2 parameters:
      1. chat - an instance of the Client object
      2. stanza - the parsed stanza containing:
       	user: User object,
       	message: message string,
       	type: type of stanza (message or presence)
       	rateLimited: boolean to determine if the user is rateLimited
    • The stanza parameter is not passed to startup commands.

See the examples directory for an example of creating a plugin.


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  • JavaScript 93.7%
  • HTML 6.3%