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MD RMarkdown templates


if (!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

Use: In your RStudio session, select "File / New file / R Markdown / From Template ".

Table of content

Code template


A template with Rmd header and footer

Grant template


A template with YAML header containing BibTex bibliography, reference formatting, and Word output template. Includes basic grant structure, and an R code for timeline Gantt chart.

Manuscript template


Track/commit only text files (R, md, Rmd, txt, csv)! Do not commit large binary files (docx, xlsx, pptx, etc.) into GitHub repository. Every time such a file change, it changes completely and gets committed as such. This will grow your GitHub repository very fast. If needed, clean the repository using

Writing tips

  • Keep the central idea in mind, and make a list of points to illustrate it.

  • Be critical and creative, ask any questions you may think of, develop strategies to answer them.

  • Make a structured strategy to answer your questions. Think bulletpoints.

  • Name your bulletpoints like newspaper headers - they should tell the story without the need to read the writeup.

  • Address the following questions under each header:

    • What is the question?
    • What data/methods are used?
    • Any relevant details/results?
    • What is the answer (take home message)?
  • Don't run your analyses on full datasets. Make sure your pipeline works from start to finish on a small subset of the data, then scale up.

  • Read more, get inspiration from how others present results, what they discuss, which figures they show.

  • As you add files, describe them in the Add brief description of each file.

  • Savage, Van, and Pamela Yeh. “Tips from a Pulitzer Prizewinner,” - Tips for writing scientific papers: minimalism = clarity, make 2-3-points home message, one paragraph = one message, use short sentences, use fast-paced narrative, avoid over-elaboration, use commas and dashes appropriately, more.

  • The Modern Language Association (MLA) citation and format style and other General Writing Resources from Purdue University

  • Creating and publishing a scientific masterpiece - JCI Editor at Large Ushma S. Neill provides updated advice on generating a scientific manuscript with maximum impact. 40min

Figure tips

  • Rules for better figures: 1) Know your audience; 2) Identify your message; 3) Adapt the figure to the support medium; 4) Captions are not optional; 5) Do not trust the defaults; 6) Use color effectively; 7) Do not mislead the reader; 8) Avoid chartjunk; 9) Message trumps beauty; 10) Get the right tool (Matplotlib, Inkskape, GIMP, others). Examples of good and bad figures.
    • Rougier, Nicolas P., Michael Droettboom, and Philip E. Bourne. “Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures.” PLoS Computational Biology 10, no. 9 (September 11, 2014): e1003833.

Reviewing tips

  • Guidelines and ideas for providing objective reviews, addressing quality and impact (Box 1). Recommendations on review behavior to avoid (Box 2).
    • Krummel, Matthew. “Universal Principled Review: A Community-Driven Method to Improve Peer Review,” 2019

Xaringan presentation template

A template for a Xaringan HTML presentation. Examples of columns, image/video embedding, panels, footnotes, other tweaks using XaringanExtra. Presentation example.

Building blocks for Xaringan

Xaringan by Yihui Xie is a great package to make good looking and portable presentations.

presentation.Rmd contains YAML settings and basic examples reminding how to insert an image, make two-column slide etc. Example.

Learn more about xaringan Presentations. This example is not meant to be comprehensive.

xaringan-my.css contains .large[], .small[], and .tiny[] formatting styles. xaringan-themer.css is created by xaringanthemer in the corresponding chunk in presentation.Rmd.

xaringanExtra by Garrick Aden-Buie makes the presentations even more flexible.

xaringanBuilder - An R package for building xaringan slides into multiple outputs, including html, pdf, png, gif, pptx, and mp4.

Quarto presentation

No longer using

Beamer presentation template. Example

A template for a PDF presentation using Beamer formatting (theme, color). Examples of slide formatting are at


A template for coding in RMarkdown







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