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Md. Shohel Rana edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 8 revisions


Packages Installation

npm install or npm i

New Packages Installation and save to package.json

npm install "your package name" --save-dev
npm install "your package name" --save

Update NPM for new version

npm i npm

NPM cache clean

npm cache verify
# if npm version is < 5 then use `npm cache clean`


Git clone

git clone "your repository name"
git clone "your repository name" --"your favorite name"

Pull code from server

git pull -f origin master

Push code to server

git add --all
git commit -m "Your messages"
git push -u origin master

Git user name setting

git config --global "Shohel Rana"

Git email setting

git config --global ""

Angular CLI

Packages Installation

npm install -g @angular/cli

Update Packages

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g @angular/cli

Creating Projects

Creates a new angular project in the current directory

ng new <pr­oje­ct-­nam­e> [options]

Creates a new angular project in the current folder

ng init <pr­oje­ct-­nam­e> [options]


--dry-run (Outputs results but does not create the project)
--verbose (Output all the things­!!!1!)
--skip-npm (Does not run npm commands after project creation)
--skip-git (Does not initialize the repo as a git repo
--dire­ctory (Specify the parent directory when creating the project)