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see diminutive/gdalptr for the current iteration of this work, it will be folded in

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The goal of xrgdal is to provide user friendly hooks to GDAL.

This is a first experiment and what user-tools might look like, with objects keeping a live GDAL pointer open for efficient use (like rgdal did).

Beware, this is very raw and will crash. The code below is just some pathways I’ve engineered to work as a proof of concept. The real work is in vapour, which has a friendly UI gdalio for raster data, and there are helpers for abstract logic in vaster and gdalwebsrv and grout that I’m working into a suite of tools for development of R software and access to data.

I’d like to see R7 classes that reflect all the underlying functionality of GDAL, like there is with rasterio, but we don’t need everything I expect, just start with the main things to read and reproject rasters for now.


I actually strongly recommend not doing this. It’s too early.

You can install the development version of xrgdal from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


We have a raster data source (it’s an XML config around an online tile server, you can just use your own GeoTIFF etc file/s).

This is an “XYZ” image tile server that simply serves up png or jpeg images from a tile system, there are 17 $zoom levels, 3 bands, and each tile is 256x256.

GDAL has this format for reading from this non-georeferenced raster source, which is this string imgsrc.

template <- 
    <Service name="AGS">
    <Cache />
server <- ""
imgsrc <- sprintf(template, server)

With xrgdal, we can open this raster and make some queries of it. These are opaque external pointers atm, so there’s only some small set of functions that understand what is available.

po <- GDALOpen_cpp(imgsrc, 0)
(dms <- xrgdal_RasterSize(po))  ## it's very big!
#> [1] 33554432 33554432
xrgdal_GetRasterCount(po)  ## there are 3 bands (RGB)
#> [1] 3

## get the first band and find out how many overviews (zooms)
band1 <- xrgdal_GetRasterBand(po, 1)
#> [1] 17
## and what is the blocksize
#> [1] 256 256

We know its dimensions and we know how many bands, so let’s get some values!

smalldims <- c(360, 180)
v <- xrgdal_RasterIO(po, window = c(0, 0, dms, smalldims), bands = 1:3)
#> List of 3
#>  $ : num [1:64800] 129 121 121 126 123 121 123 121 118 118 ...
#>  $ : num [1:64800] 179 172 172 177 174 172 174 172 169 169 ...
#>  $ : num [1:64800] 222 214 214 220 217 214 217 214 212 212 ...

Thankfully (!!) we didn’t read all zillions of pixel values, the window argument told us where to start 0, 0 (the topleft corner), where to finish - dms[1] pixels to the right, dms[2] pixels to the bottom (the right and bottom edge in this case) - and how many values to actually obtain 360, 180. It would take an age to scan through such a big image, but because it has overviews (a.k.a ‘zoom levels’) GDAL is actually smart enough to choose the closest overview to our requested size.

These are rgb values, and we can do stuff with that.

a <- array(unlist(v), c(smalldims, 3L))/255
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, smalldims[1]), ylim = c(0, smalldims[2]))
rasterImage(aperm(a, c(2, 1, 3)), 0, 0, smalldims[1], smalldims[2])

Now, that looks terrible. So, let’s find out what our image device would like and go with that.

par(mar = rep(0, 4), xpd = NA)
smalldims <- rep(max(dev.size("px")), 2L)
a <- array(unlist(xrgdal_RasterIO(po, window = c(0, 0, dms, smalldims), bands = 1:3)), 
           c(smalldims, 3L))/255
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, smalldims[1]), ylim = c(0, smalldims[2]), xpd = NA, asp = 1)
rasterImage(aperm(a, c(2, 1, 3)), 0, 0, smalldims[1], smalldims[2])

Warping to get an obvious image extent

par(mar = rep(0, 4), xpd = NA)
smalldims <- rep(max(dev.size("px")), 2L)
xlim <- c(-120, -70)
ylim <- c(30, 60)
warp <- xrgdal_Warp(po, extent = c(xlim, ylim), dimension = smalldims, projection = "OGC:CRS84")
a <- array(unlist(xrgdal_RasterIO(warp, window = c(0, 0, smalldims, smalldims), bands = 1:3)), 
           c(smalldims, 3L))/255
plot(NA, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, asp = 1/cos(mean(ylim) * pi/180))
rasterImage(aperm(a, c(2, 1, 3)), xlim[1], ylim[1], xlim[2], ylim[2])
maps::map(add = TRUE)

etc etc

Warping to get exactly what we want


Using resampling and/or matching the native resolution


Churning tiles


Merging disparates sources



see diminutive/gdalptr for the current iteration of this work, it will be folded in






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