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Personality & Interest

  • Describe how you collaborate with designers, other developers, and managers on a project.
  • What was the last design/development book you read, and what did you think about it?
  • Which development frameworks have you explored, and what did you think about them?
  • Tell me about a site where you witnessed a standout example of good/bad user experience. What would you have done differently?
  • What are some of the design/development blogs you read on a regular basis? What do you like about them?
  • Describe your ideal colleagues and managers.

Technical Skills


  • Which features excite you the most about HTML5 and CSS3?
  • Give me a list of techniques that can be used to clear floats in CSS.
  • (While showing them a complicated design) - What are some of the problem areas you see with this design? How would you approach a designer about these?
  • How do you beat IE 6 and 7 into submission? What are some common issues you run across in these, and how do you go about fixing them?
  • Tell me about progressive enhancement.
  • What are vendor prefixes? Are these good or bad?


  • What are some of the advantages of JSON over other data interchange formats?
  • Tell me about a jQuery plugin you developed.
  • Tell me about a complex jQuery script that you had to write.
  • If I don't use the "var" keyword in JavaScript, what issues might I run into?
  • I want to use client-side validation on a form, but still have a server-side fallback. How can I accomplish this without repeating the bulk of the work (like defining the validation rules more than once)?
  • How do you loop through an object in JavaScript?


  • What are some cool trick in PHP 5 you like?
  • What is MVC?
  • What is the difference between a method and a property?
  • What is an ORM?
  • What is the difference between =, ==, and ===?
  • Rewrite the following PHP statement:
$arr = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
$i = 0;
while($i < count($arr)) {
	echo $arr[$i];


  • What source control tools have you used? What kind of source control workflows have you worked in?
  • What are some things you can do to optimize your sites for better performance?
  • What does Agile development mean to you?
  • What debugging tools do you use on a regular basis?
  • What are the crucial development tools in your arsenal?
  • What things do you look at when evaluating a framework?


  • What EE add-ons do you use regularly?
  • What CI libraries do you use regularly?
  • What are some of your complaints with EE/CI?
  • Tell me about the most complex site you've built with EE.
  • How would you build a flexible menu/subnav system without using any add-ons?
  • Have you ever written an add-on for EE? What did it do?

Problem Solving

  • If you were going to design your own CMS, what would be unique about it compared to others on the market? What features would be standard? What kind of template engine would you use for designs? Without using any existing plugins, what are the steps you would take to build your own modals?
  • You have a client project that requires you to style a site without modifying the core HTML (except for certain editable blocks on the page). Their CMS does not allow you to remove the existing stylesheets, which will cause the cascade to be difficult. What are some of your options?
  • How do you break down a project in order to estimate it? How do you determine deliverables, level of effort, etc.?
  • There is a lot of dissension amongst the website committee about the organization of the site's navigation. How do we determine the solution that makes the most sense?
  • Our client wants to go mobile. What are some ways they can accomplish this, and how does each solution affect those on the project team (in terms of skills, time, cost, etc.)?
  • I just replaced some images on this Facebook page I developed, and it's still showing the old ones... even after a "hard" refresh... what do I do?

Mobile App Developer Questions

  • How do you determine if a project would be more appropriate as a native app or mobile web app?
  • Do you use the "official" tools/language (ie - Xcode, Objective C) for development, or another framework (PhoneGap, Titanium, MonoTouch)?
  • What do you think about the use of "non-official" frameworks?
  • What are some examples of some really outstanding native/web apps that you've seen/used?
  • How do you prefer to collaborate with graphic/UX designers?
  • How would you explain to a non-technical person the difference in benefits between a native and mobile web app?
  • How would you explain to a non-technical person the app creation process (design, development, support, etc.)?
  • What do you do to stay up to date in your field (conferences, blogs, training, etc.)?
  • Where do you see mobile going in the next few years?
  • What made you first want to begin developing mobile apps? How did you get started?
  • Have you ever had to integrate 3rd party APIs and/or authentication with an app (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)?
  • Which is your favorite platform to develop for and why?
  • What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each major mobile OS?


A list of questions to ask developers during job interviews






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