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mdxp committed May 3, 2012
1 parent b1524d5 commit 3495100
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talk: true
selected: true
author: Baruch Sadogursky
title: "Cloud is YUMmy (and APTty)!"

"Your software walks a long and windy road from source files to runtime. Part of it is a well paved hi-speed motorway built upon years of experience and excellence, while other parts of it still look like a muddy road during the wet season.
For example, think about the phases between your continuous integration server and your runtime machines? How are your packages provisioned to YUM and APT servers? If you notice room for improvement, this session is for you.
In this session we’ll show you some robust and agile ways to automate your cloud deployments by using RedHat and Debian packaging standards.
By adding a Binary Repository Manager to your ALM stack you’ll complete the automation lifecycle of software manufacturing.
We’ll show you how to serve your software in the most efficient, transparent and reliable way without dealing with server maintenance, scripts authoring or in-house development. "

**Speaker:** Baruch Sadogursky
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dirty: true
proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: Ann Marie Fred
title: "How IBM is using DevOps to build DevOps tools"

At IBM, we are gradually transforming our software development organizations to follow more DevOps principles. We're also building tools to help other organizations use DevOps practices. This talk explains how we use DevOps principles and practices to build DevOps tools. We'll even see how SmartCloud Continuous Delivery is developed using -- you guessed it -- SmartCloud Continuous Delivery.

Topics covered will include:

- Why does IBM believe in DevOps principles?
- Why do we want to use DevOps practices for our own software development?
- How did we create a DevOps-focused team?
- How does development, test, and deployment work for SmartCloud
- Continuous Delivery?
- How do DevOps practices make life easier or harder for us on a daily basis?
- How will we encourage more teams within IBM to adopt DevOps principles and practices?

**Speaker:** Ann Marie Fred, IBM
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dirty: true
proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: John Vincent
title: "Infrastructure Firehoses"

Tapping into your flow real time

More and more information is flowing across your infrastructure. This talk is a discussion around tools like RabbitMQ, Logstash, Riemann, 0mq, Redis and Graphite and ways to tap into that information.

**Speaker:** John Vincent
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dirty: true
proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: John Willis
title: "Managing Complex Systems With Complex Systems"

A few years ago I gave a presentation called “The Cambrian Cloud Explosion” as a keynote at the NoSQL East conference. My presentation was built on ideas from Hal Varian and the his thoughts on combinatorial innovation as well as works provided by Simon Herbert on complexity and componentization. I have been involved with large scale infrastructure for over 30 years and have seen many tools try and deal with the complexity of large scale systems. In the early days products like IBM’s Tivoli tried to solve this problem with rule based correlation and IT datawarehouses. The web scale infrastructures of today are starting to approach IT infrastructure complexity with things like Complex Event Processing CEP and big data analytic tools. In preparation for this presentation I plan on interviewing some of the thought leaders in this space as well as point out the use of some existing tools being use (e.g., Esper, Flumebase, Hadoop, Cassandra). I want to also open up the discussion of what complex management tools of the future might look like.

**Speaker:** John Willis
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dirty: true
proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: Adrian Cockcroft
title: "PaaS Patterns for DevOps at Netflix"

Netflix has developed a globally scaled Java PaaS that automates many operations tasks by constraining developers to work within common patterns. These patterns pre-bake mechanisms for continuous integration, deployment, security, availability, durability, capacity planning, monitoring and alerting etc. The PaaS is built and operated by an integrated team of DevOps engineers with experience in both development and operations, with outside dependencies for IaaS on AWS, and SaaS hosted apps including PagerDuty, AppDynamics. During 2012 the Netflix PaaS is gradually being released as a set of open source components at This talk will focus on the patterns we have defined and automated.

**Speaker:** Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix
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proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: Noah Sussman
title: "Production Monitoring With Selenium"

Selenium is more than a test automation tool. It is also a general purpose automated Web user agent with rendering capabilities that far exceed those of conventional network probes such as Curl or Netcat. By leveraging Selenium for production monitoring, the Etsy team are able to define interesting and valuable alerting thresholds based upon the stateful behavior of pages rendered in a Web browser.

Aside from live video capture, leveraging the rendering capabilities of a Web browser allow us to define complex alerting thresholds such as:

* end-to-end behavior of features like login and checkout
* interactions that require XHR
* DOM elements that are dynamically rendered
* CSS display characteristics

I look forward to talking about both the wins and the unexpected pitfalls of using Selenium to monitor a production Web site."

**Speaker:** Noah Sussman, Test Architect at Etsy
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proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: David Mortman
title: "Real Life DevOps and Security"

"Despite the name DevOps isn't just about Development and Operations, but is instead about how to do IT in an efficient, effective, and flexible manner. Security is infamous for meeting none of those three goals. To loose quote @kartar at the Austin DevOpsDays '12 ""OMG here come the security guys, they're gonna fuck up our product"". Security in general and security operations in specific, can learn a lot from the DevOps movement about how to increase agility without increasing the risk to the organization. This includes but is far from limited to leveraging concepts such as automation and continuous integration/deployment. This talk will discuss how security teams can benefit by embracing the DevOps movement both in terms of how they interact with other groups but also how things get done within the security team. The talk is not just theory but will include real life examples and lessons learned from a variety of organizations the author has worked with. Attendees will leave with information that they can use their current jobs. As is tradition, (hopefully homemade) baked goods will provided for good questions from audience members.


* Introduction
* DevOps and How Security Fits In
* Automation, DevOps and Security
* How Automating Dev Can Improve Security
* How Automating Ops Can Improve Security
* How Automating Security Can Improve Security
* Continuous Integration/Deployment and Security
* DevOps, Security and Operational Discipline: A Paen To Gene Kim
* DevOps and Security Moving Forward
* Conclusion/QA"

**Speaker:** David Mortman, Enstratus
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proposal: true
talk: true
selected: true
author: Tatiana Slater
title: "Securing Cloud Servers: Requirements for a New Toolbox"

Infrastructure-as-a-Server (IaaS) is a new operational model that completely breaks traditional security approaches. Unfortunately, the no-barrier-to-entry disruption of the public cloud means that people inside your organization are likely spinning up servers outside of your datacenter, without telling you. Without the necessary security protections that you would expect in your traditional data center, how do you know you are protected? Whether you’re running servers in private, public, or especially hybrid clouds, you must recognize the architectural differences that make it almost impossible traditional security technologies to operate in the cloud, and for traditional organizational structures to keep your applications and data safe.

**Speaker:** Tatiana Slater

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