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Vue frontend with look and feel for Job Bank project

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Job Bank Front-End

This project runs the job bank front-end for

  • The front-end framework is built with Vue and uses styles & BEM naming conventions/components from the ods-theme & minifront projects.
  • Routing is handled by vue-router.
  • Translations are handled by vue-i18n.
  • Tests are handled through Jest.

Running the project

This project requires node 12.4.0. This means a node version of 12.4.0 or higher. Look at the .nvmrc file for more information.

In the project directory:

  • Install dependencies using npm install
  • Copy the default.env into a .env file
  • Compile and run the server locally using npm run serve

Docker This project is also equipped with Docker containers, and you can choose to run it using Docker instead of npm if you prefer. A docker-compose.yml file has been provided. To run it with docker, assuming you have the dependencies installed, run the following commands:

docker-machine start default
eval $(docker-machine env)
docker-compose up

You will be able to access the server at You may want to setup port forwarding in virtualbox or in hosts if you would like to be able to go directly to http://localhost.

Linting To run ESLint and lint files, use the command npm run lint.

Project Organization

This project was built using Vue CLI with a basic Babel + ESLint setup. For more information, refer to the Vue CLI docs.

The majority of any new development will happen in the src folder. Within this folder, there are 4 sub-folders and two main files:


  • Includes all SASS and font files.


  • Includes all core components for the job-bank project.
  • The common folder includes components that are used throughout many pages of the job-bank application (ex: Header, footer, etc.);
  • The job-bank folder includes components that are more specifically used for the job-bank project.


  • Includes all plugin files.
  • Custom plugins that are added in the plugins folder must be imported into the main.js file and instatiated in the Vue instance to take effect.


  • Includes Vue i18n translations files.


  • The main.js file instantiates the main Vue instance and sets all other plugins and instances as options to the Vue instance (ex: i18n, foundation, router, etc.). It also mounts the Vue instance to the app component.

  • The App.vue file is the main component where the Vue instance is mounted. It contains the Header and Footer components used throughout the whole job bank project. There is a router-view component which renders other components according to the route a user is on.

Any static HTML or image files can be found in the public folder, and referenced from anywhere in the project with a forward slash and link to the file name. Ex:

<img src="/logo.jpg" />


Routing for this project is handled through vue-router. Within the main project directory's src folder, there will be another folder called router which handles most of the logic related to routing. The following routing files are found under the src/router file structure:

  • The index.js file, which creates the Vue Router instance, sets the router to use history mode. A routes option is also passed to the router instance linking to the routes defined in the routes.js file. There is also a beforeEach navigation guard, which determines the locale of the incoming route and sets the i18n.locale accordingly.

  • The routes.js file contains all the route patterns for the project. Each route must include:

    1. A unique name (this gets used for router-links - more info in router-links)
    2. A path defined in English
    3. An alias field which utilizes the translatedAlias function to retrieve the French path. Note that the path passed to the function must match the path defined for English.
    4. The component the path will render

When the main language is toggled (controlled by the switchLocale function in the SiteMenu component), the translations for the route paths are searched for in the route-translations.js file found in the translations folder. Each route should be defined here by locale, with the key representing the locale's path, and the value representing the opposite locale's path.

Creating Links

Internal Links (Router-Links)

Internal links (links within the job bank application), are created with the InternalLink job-bank component. The InternalLink component uses vue-router's router-link element behind the scenes. It renders as an anchor tag with a correct href based on the attribute values passed in.

The InternalLink component requires two element attributes: the URL and the link-text. The URL must always be in single quotes, as a string is required as the URL value for the link to render. The link-text attribute would likely be generated using i18n's translate method, also passed with single quotes.

An example of how the Internal Link component would be used looks like:

  :link-text="$t('jobPage.title')" />

External Links

For creating external links (links that go outside of the job bank application), a normal link element should be used. The links should always be absolute URLs and prefixed with either http:// or https://.

<a href="">Home</a> 


Translations for this project are handled with vue-i18n, and can be found within the main projects src folder under translations.

The VueI18n instance is instatiated in the plugins folder in the src/plugins/i18n.js file. This instance imports the settings and files from the *src/translations/index.js file. It also sets a defaut and fallback locale of english.

  • The index.js file within the translations folder exports the two main locale files our project handles - english and french - from the locales folder. Vuei18n's $t method is used within component templates to reference the translated result from locales files. The locale is determined and set by the switchLocale function in the SiteMenu component.


Libraries/Tools used:

  • Jest - Testing framework
  • Vue-Jest - Jest Vue transformer with source map support
  • Vue/Test-Utils - The official unit testing utility library for Vue.js

After the dependencies have been installed, tests can be run using the npm run test script.

The test directory generally maps the same file structure as the main directory of the project.

This project uses Jest's snapshot testing for the Vue components. When the tests are run, the snapshots are compared to the components' current HTML. This means that if any changes are made to the component templates, the snapshot tests will fail. If any changes to the templates are made, the snapshots will need to be updated before running the tests again. This can be done using the npm run snapshot script before running the test script.


Vue frontend with look and feel for Job Bank project







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