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Releases: mebens/ammo


22 Jun 04:12
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LÖVE 0.11, Middleclass 4.1.1, and camera/mouse changes.

Full changelog:

  • Added Camera:worldPosition and Camera:screenPosition to transform points between world and screen space according to the camera's properties.
  • Added love.window.updateConstants. Should be called within love.resize to update the width/height constants.
  • Added a wrapping of love.window.updateMode (LÖVE 0.11), which updates the width/height constants.
  • Changed love.mouse.getWorld___ functions to use Camera:worldPosition thus also rotating the point.
  • Changed love.mouse.getRotated___ functions and love.mouse.switchToRotated to point to their World counterparts for the sake of backwards compatibility.
  • Updated to Middleclass 4.1.1.
  • Fixed World not using RGBA values when resetting colour after drawing an entity.


26 Jan 10:31
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LÖVE 0.10, Middleclass 4, most modules/extensions now bundled, camera and tween reworks, and a few other changes.

Full changelog:

  • Assets, physics, input, and tweens extensions are now bundled with the main repo in subfolders.
  • LÖVE 0.10.0 compatibility.
  • Updated to Middleclass 4.0.

  • Camera now uses centre-based coordinates.
  • Removed processCoordinate from Camera and added bindX, bindY, and bind.
  • Coordinate binding in Camera is no longer automatic.
  • Camera bounds are now kept in a simpler { x1, y1, x2, y2 } table.
  • Updated/fixed world and rotated mouse position functions using centre-based coordinates.

  • Added option to disable use of camera when adding layers via addLayer or setupLayers.
  • Removed functions and indexes relating to class counts and names from World.
  • World no longer requires entities to have active set to true in order to update. For an entity to be ignored, active must now be explicitly false.

  • Added input.wheel as part of 0.10 compatibility.
  • Added PhysicalEntity:drawShape with support for polygons and circles.
  • Restructure of tweens module.
  • Merged AttrTween with Tween, removing the former.
  • Removed all of the specific "getter/setter" attributes from Tween and made existing ones public.
  • Removed Tween:reset.
  • Changed delay functions to use internal Delay class.
  • Added Entity:delay and Camera:delay to tweens module.


10 Dec 02:07
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Compatibility with LÖVE 0.9.x

  • Brought back table.copy
  • Changed to love.window.setMode
  • Removed


30 Aug 04:04
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  • Removed functions as values from World:setupLayer, as it wasn't working properly.
  • oldSetMode is now stored in


30 Aug 22:01
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  • ammo.update no longer sets _G.dt.


30 Aug 22:02
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  • Added ammo.default. reverts to this when it is set to nil.
  • Added new syntax for callbacks in World:setupLayers; allows functions to elements in the table argument.
  • Added error checking to
  • Fixed LinkedList:clear.
  • Removed position/size functions from Entity (move, getPosition, setPosition, getSize, and setSize).
  • Removed Entity.width, Entity.height, and the corresponding parameters from Entity:initialize.
  • Removed filter functionality from World.
  • Removed four unused functions from LinkedList (bringForward, sendBackward, bringToFront, and sendToBack).
  • Removed ammo.version.