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A Vue.js project

This project contains a default vue-cli (2.9.6) project using the webpack template.

  • Custom ESLint Rules have been applied.
  • Build files from dist have been integrated with basic express server
  • Has options load page over http or https

Local Build Setup

  1. Checkout the dev branch to access the vuejs project files.
    git checkout dev

  2. npm install

  3. To load over https, create a .env file in the root directory and copy the contents of .env.example to it. Set USE_SSL to `true|false to load over https before proceeding to #5.

  4. npm run dev to serve with hot reload at localhost:8080

  5. npm run build to build for production with minification

  6. npm run dev:server

    • serves static build files from express server at localhost:8080
    • if USE_SSL is true, https version can be loaded from https://localhost:8043

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

Travis CI/CD

The website, accessible from serves static build files pushed into the master branch.

This can be manually done by pushing static build files directly into the master branch, or automatically by pushing vue project code updates into the dev branch. Please follow the instructions below to trigger the automatic Travis CI/CD.

Read on this reference for more information on setting up Travis CI for GitHub pages.

Automatic CI/CD Using Travis

  1. Create a branch from dev.
    git checkout -b my-test-branch

  2. Create a pull request for branch dev from the new my-test-branch that you've created.

  3. Approve the pull request.

  4. View the travis CI status from
    New GitHub pages website updates can be viewed from if the build passed.



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