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Introductory Tutorial

mechpaul edited this page Sep 16, 2018 · 1 revision

Time to completion: 5-10 minutes

Download the latest release here.

How to do it:

  1. Unpack the zip file to your Maplestory directory.
  2. Download the desired patch file to your Maplestory directory. Here's what the patch file URL is for 0.72:

for 0.73:

Just look at the links to figure out how to get your patch files. It's really hard to describe, but very easy to comprehend.

When you download the patch file, download it to your maplestory directory.

  1. Edit the batch file so the third argument has the same name as the patch file you downloaded. Make sure the second argument is "read"
  2. Run the batch file. All of the new files created by NXPatcher will be placed in the "Patcher" directory.
  3. Copy the files from your "Patcher" directory to your Maplestory directory. You are now fully patched.
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