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2. Game levels: design via LDtk

Media Explorer edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 1 revision

Game levels: design via LDtk

LDtk documentation:

Design philosophy

I developed LDtk as the backbone of my game dev life.

My first game, Nuclear Blaze, relies entirely on this tool, and was even intended as a “proof-of-concept” for it.

I tried to make it my dream tool, while keeping the scope reasonable. This means that LDtk sure has many features, but not all of them.

Sébastien Benard, aka deepnight, is designed with user experience first in mind: do less, but do it right.

I used LDtk v 1.5.3 to modify level.json "game design" file:



I adapted MonolithEngine's code to support that latest version of LDtk editor. :)