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rodneyrehm committed Nov 2, 2010
0 parents commit a06128e
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Showing 48 changed files with 6,513 additions and 0 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

# Ignore Mac Finder littering

# ignore the docs

# ignore dev things
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions examples/_package.php
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

* Examples for Clapp
* @example /examples/example01.php Defining Application and Arguments
* @example /examples/example02.php Grouping of Arguments
* @example /examples/example03.php Defining Subcommands
* @example /examples/example04.php Signal Handling
* @example /examples/example05.php TTY Formatting (ECMA-48 SGR: Select Graphic Rendition)
* @example /examples/example06.php TTY Character Control
* @example /examples/example07.php Interactive Error Handling
* @example /examples/example08.php Progress Bar Example
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @package Clapp
* @subpackage Clapp-examples

127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions examples/example01.php
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/../lib/Clapp.php' );

$clapp = new Clapp( 'Clapp', '0.1', Clapp::LICENSE_MIT );
$clapp->addComment( 'Im a comment' )->addComment( 'And this is another comment' )
->addVersion( 'some library', '12.3' )->addVersion( 'some single line version thing' )
->setCopyright( 2010, 2015, '' )
->addCopyright( 'PHP', 1955, 2035, 'The PHP Group' )
->addCopyright( 'Mac OS X', 1999, 2004, 'Steve Jobs' )
->addBugsURL( '' )
->addHelpURL( '' )
->addHomeURL( '' )
->addHeader( 'Header line 1' )
->addHeader( 'Header line 2' )
->addFooter( 'Footer line 1' )
->addFooter( 'Footer line 2' )
->addExample( 'Im a pretty long example line telling you what cool things you can do with some argument magic', '--test-case -fabc --foobar=baz' )
->addAuthor( 'Rodney Rehm', '' )
->addAuthor( 'Superman' );

$clapp->add( $a = new ClappArgument( 'a' ) )
->add( $b = new ClappArgument( 'b', 'bravo' ) )
->add( $c = new ClappArgument( 'c', 'charlie' ) )
// -abc -a -b -c

->add( $d = new ClappArgument( 'd', 'default string', ClappArgument::VALUE ) )
->add( $m = new ClappArgument( 'm', 'mandatory number', ClappArgument::VALUE ) )

->add( $da = new ClappArgument( null, 'depend-on-a' ) )
->add( $dab = new ClappArgument( null, 'depend-on-a-and-b' ) )
->add( $dd = new ClappArgument( null, 'depend-on-dependency' ) )

->add( $ca = new ClappArgument( null, 'conflict-a' ) )

->add( $f = new ClappArgument( 'f', 'foxtrot', ClappArgument::FLAGS ) )

->add( $vf = new ClappArgument( '0', 'value-first', ClappArgument::VALUE_FIRST ) )
->add( $vl = new ClappArgument( '1', 'value-last', ClappArgument::VALUE_LAST ) )
->add( $va = new ClappArgument( '2', 'value-all', ClappArgument::VALUE_ALL ) )

->add( $kv = new ClappArgument( '3', 'keyvalues', ClappArgument::KEYVALUES ) )
->add( $kva = new ClappArgument( '4', 'keyvalues-all', ClappArgument::KEYVALUES_ALL ) )
->add( $vld = new ClappArgument( null, 'very-long-description' ) )
->add( $mld = new ClappArgument( null, 'multiline-description' ) )

->add( $h = new ClappArgument( 'h', 'help', ClappArgument::FLAG ) );

$a->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$b->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$c->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$d->setDescription( '#value defaulting to "DefaultFoobar"' )->setDefault( 'DefaultFoobar' )->setExpected( 'STRING' );
$m->setDescription( 'a #value that must be specified' )->setMandatory()->setExpected( 'INT' );

$da->setDescription( '#flag depending on -a being specified' );
$dab->setDescription( '#flag depending on -a and -b being specified' );
$dd->setDescription( '#flag depending on --depend-on-dependency (and thus -a) being specified' );

$ca->setDescription( '#flag conflicting with -a' );

$f->setDescription( '#flags (counting #flag occurences)' );

$vf->setDescription( '#value_first (first of all #value occurences)' );
$vl->setDescription( '#value_last (last of all #value occurences)' );
$va->setDescription( '#values (list of all #value occurences)' );

$kv->setDescription( '#keyvalues (list of #value each split by = resulting in {key=val, key2=val, …})' );
$kva->setDescription( '#keyvalues_all (list of #value each split by = resulting in [[key,val],[key2,val]]' );

$vld->setDescription( 'Im a very long description. I should do an appropriate linebreak and indenting as you expect me to do. Now this seems to be working just fine for the moment. nice, very nice.' );
$mld->setDescription( "Im a very long description.\nI break when you want me to\n and can indent further if required.\n". ClappTTY::format()->format( 'I can even be inverted.', ClappTTYFormat::INVERT ) ." Now this seems to be working just fine for the moment. nice, very nice." );
$h->setDescription( 'Print this help menu.' );


// show examples
if( !$clapp->args->specified() )
echo "Clapp 0.1 - Hassle Free CommandLine Arguments\n",
"(for the sake of these examples the mandatory switches are disabled)\n\n",
"list of available arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --help\n",

"\nsimple flags (true if specified) arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -abc\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -a -b -c\n",

"\ncounting occurences of flag arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -fff -f -f -fffff\n",

"\nmultiple occurences of value arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --value-first=one --value-first=two --value-first=three\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --value-last=one --value-last=two --value-last=three\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --value-all=one --value-all=two --value-all=three\n",

"\nmultiple occurences of key/value arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --keyvalues=one=val1 --keyvalues=two=val2 --keyvalues=three=val3\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --keyvalues_all=one=val1 --keyvalues_all=two=val2 --keyvalues_all=three=val3\n",

"\ndepending arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --depend-on-a\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -a --depend-on-a\n",

"\nconflicting arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --conflict-a\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -a --conflict-a\n";


// this is a demonstration, just display what we parsed

catch( ClappException $e )
if( $e->getMessage() )
echo "FATAL ERROR: ", $e->getMessage(), "\n\n",
'please see ', basename(__FILE__), ' --help', "\n";
echo "\n";

138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions examples/example02.php
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/../lib/Clapp.php' );

$clapp = new Clapp( 'Clapp', '0.1', Clapp::LICENSE_MIT );
$clapp->addComment( 'Im a comment' )->addComment( 'And this is another comment' )
->addVersion( 'some library', '12.3' )->addVersion( 'some single line version thing' )
->setCopyright( 2010, 2015, '' )
->addCopyright( 'PHP', 1955, 2035, 'The PHP Group' )
->addCopyright( 'Mac OS X', 1999, 2004, 'Steve Jobs' )
->addBugsURL( '' )
->addHelpURL( '' )
->addHomeURL( '' )
->addHeader( 'Header line 1' )
->addHeader( 'Header line 2' )
->addFooter( 'Footer line 1' )
->addFooter( 'Footer line 2' )
->addExample( 'lala blubber', 'lala blubber' )
->addAuthor( 'Rodney Rehm', '' )
->addAuthor( 'Superman' );

$clapp->add( $a = new ClappArgument( 'a' ) )
->add( $b = new ClappArgument( 'b', 'bravo' ) )
->add( $c = new ClappArgument( 'c', 'charlie' ) )
// -abc -a -b -c

->add( $d = new ClappArgument( 'd', 'default', ClappArgument::VALUE ) )
->add( $m = new ClappArgument( 'm', 'mandatory', ClappArgument::VALUE ) )

->add( $da = new ClappArgument( null, 'depend-on-a' ) )
->add( $dab = new ClappArgument( null, 'depend-on-a-and-b' ) )
->add( $dd = new ClappArgument( null, 'depend-on-dependency' ) )

->add( $ca = new ClappArgument( null, 'conflict-a' ) )

->add( $f = new ClappArgument( 'f', 'foxtrot', ClappArgument::FLAGS ) )

->add( $vf = new ClappArgument( '0', 'value-first', ClappArgument::VALUE_FIRST ) )
->add( $vl = new ClappArgument( '1', 'value-last', ClappArgument::VALUE_LAST ) )
->add( $va = new ClappArgument( '2', 'value-all', ClappArgument::VALUE_ALL ) )

->add( $kv = new ClappArgument( '3', 'keyvalues', ClappArgument::KEYVALUES ) )
->add( $kva = new ClappArgument( '4', 'keyvalues-all', ClappArgument::KEYVALUES_ALL ) )
->add( $vld = new ClappArgument( null, 'very-long-description' ) )

$a->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$b->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$c->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$d->setDescription( '#value defaulting to "DefaultFoobar"' )->setDefault( 'DefaultFoobar' );
$m->setDescription( 'a #value that must be specified' )->setMandatory();

$da->setDescription( '#flag depending on -a being specified' );
$dab->setDescription( '#flag depending on -a and -b being specified' );
$dd->setDescription( '#flag depending on --depend-on-dependency (and thus -a) being specified' );

$ca->setDescription( '#flag conflicting with -a' );

$f->setDescription( '#flags (counting #flag occurences)' );

$vf->setDescription( '#value_first (first of all #value occurences)' );
$vl->setDescription( '#value_last (last of all #value occurences)' );
$va->setDescription( '#values (list of all #value occurences)' );

$kv->setDescription( '#keyvalues (list of #value each split by = resulting in {key=val, key2=val, …})' );
$kva->setDescription( '#keyvalues_all (list of #value each split by = resulting in [[key,val],[key2,val]]' );

$vld->setDescription( 'Im a very long description. I should do an appropriate linebreak and indenting as you expect me to do. Now this seems to be working just fine for the moment. nice, very nice.' );

$clapp->add( $valueGroup = new ClappArgumentGroup( 'Value Options' ) );
$valueGroup->add( $d )->add( $m )->add( $vf )->add( $vl )->add( $va );

$clapp->add( $kvGroup = new ClappArgumentGroup( 'KeyValue Options' ) );
$kvGroup->add( $kv )->add( $kva );

$clapp->add( $mandatoryGroup = new ClappArgumentGroup( 'Mandatory Options' ) );
$mandatoryGroup->add( $m );

$clapp->add( $dcGroup = new ClappArgumentGroup( 'Dependent/Conflicting Options' ) );
$dcGroup->add( $da )->add( $dab )->add( $dd )->add( $ca );

$clapp->add( $flagGroup = new ClappArgumentGroup( 'Flag Options' ) );
$flagGroup->add( $a )->add( $b )->add( $c )->add( $ca )->add( $f )->add( $vld );

$clapp->initialize( true );

// show examples
if( !$clapp->args->specified() )
echo "Clapp 0.1 - Hassle Free CommandLine Arguments\n",
"(for the sake of these examples the mandatory switches are disabled)\n\n",
"list of available arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --help\n",

"\nsimple flags (true if specified) arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -abc\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -a -b -c\n",

"\ncounting occurences of flag arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -fff -f -f -fffff\n",

"\nmultiple occurences of value arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --value-first=one --value-first=two --value-first=three\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --value-last=one --value-last=two --value-last=three\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --value-all=one --value-all=two --value-all=three\n",

"\nmultiple occurences of key/value arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --keyvalues=one=val1 --keyvalues=two=val2 --keyvalues=three=val3\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --keyvalues_all=one=val1 --keyvalues_all=two=val2 --keyvalues_all=three=val3\n",

"\ndepending arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --depend-on-a\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -a --depend-on-a\n",

"\nconflicting arguments:\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php --conflict-a\n",
" ClappArgumentParser.php -a --conflict-a\n";


// this is a demonstration, just display what we parsed

catch( ClappException $e )
if( $e->getMessage() )
echo "FATAL ERROR: ", $e->getMessage(), "\n\n",
'please see ', basename(__FILE__), ' --help', "\n";
echo "\n";

47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions examples/example03.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@

require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) .'/../lib/Clapp.php' );

$clapp = new Clapp( 'Clapp', '0.1', Clapp::LICENSE_MIT );
$clapp->add( $z = new ClappArgument( 'z' ) );
$z->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );

$sub1 = new ClappSubcommand( 'Clapp Sub1' );
$sub1->setAbstract( 'do something to save the world' )
->setCommand( 'sub-routine-one', array('sub1','s1') )
->add( $a = new ClappArgument( 'a' ) )
->add( $b = new ClappArgument( 'b') )
->add( $c = new ClappArgument( 'c' ) );
$a->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$b->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$c->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );

$sub2 = new ClappSubcommand( 'Clapp Sub2' );
$sub2->setAbstract( 'hack the planet!' )
->setCommand( 'sub-routine-two', array('sub2','s2') )
->add( $a = new ClappArgument( 'a' ) )
->add( $b = new ClappArgument( 'b') )
->add( $d = new ClappArgument( 'd' ) );
$a->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$b->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );
$d->setDescription( 'simple #flag' );

$clapp->add( $sub1 )->add( $sub2 );

$app = $clapp->initialize();

// this is a demonstration, just display what we parsed
catch( ClappException $e )
if( $e->getMessage() )
echo "FATAL ERROR: ", $e->getMessage(), "\n\n",
'please see ', basename(__FILE__), ' --help', "\n";
echo "\n";


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