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File metadata and controls

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User telemetry

Introduced in v3.4.0

The app collects performance data on certain user actions which is then aggregated over each calendar month and replicated to the server. This can be used to evaluate the performance of the code and configuration and to evaluate where improvements can be made.

The aggregate doc for the previous month is created when the first telemetry item is recorded each month. This is stored in the medic-user-<username>-meta database on the device and replicated to the server when an internet connection is available. This user specific server db is then replicated into the medic-users-meta database which holds all aggregate telemetry docs for all users.

The aggregate docs' IDs follow the pattern telemetry-<year>-<month>-<username>-<uuid>.

Performance data

Each aggregate data point has the following fields.

Field Description
sum A sum of all the recorded times in milliseconds.
min The smallest time recorded in milliseconds.
max The largest time recorded in milliseconds.
count The number of times recorded.
sumsqr The sum of squares of the times recorded in milliseconds.

The telemetry data gathered changes with different versions of the framework. Currently, the data points collected are:

Field Description
boot_time The overall boot time including loading the code, purging, and accessing the database.
boot_time:1:to_first_code_execution The time between the page loading and the JavaScript starting to run.
boot_time:2:to_bootstrap The time between JavaScript starting and the bootstrapping (purging, initial replication, etc) to complete.
boot_time:3:to_angular_bootstrap The time between bootstrapping completing and the webapp being ready to use.
boot_time:4:to_db_warmed The time between the webapp being ready to use and the database being ready to use.
enketo:reports:<form>:<action>:<component> The time taken to fill in Enketo forms. The action can either be "add" or "edit". The component is one of: "render" covers getting the form and rendering it on screen; "user_edit_time" is the time the user took to fill in and submit the form; or "save" is about converting the form into a report and saving it.
enketo:contacts:<form>:add:<component> As above but for Contact creation forms.
enketo:tasks:<form>:<action>:<component> As above but for forms on the Tasks tab.
search:contacts The time taken to list all contacts.
search:contacts:<filter[:filter]> The time taken to search all contacts using the given filters.
search:reports The time taken to list all reports.
search:reports:<filter[:filter]> The time taken to search all reports using the given filters.
client-date-offset The difference between the client datetime and the server datetime. Only recorded if the difference is large enough that it may cause issues.
analytics:targets:load The time taken to load the targets page. Added in 3.9
tasks:load The time taken to load the tasks page. Added in 3.9
tasks:refresh The time taken to refresh tasks on the tasks page. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:initialize The time taken to initialize the rules-engine . Added in 3.9
rules-engine:update-emissions The time taken to update emissions in the rules-engine, when receiving a change. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:tasks:all-contacts The time taken to fetch tasks for all contacts in rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:tasks:some-contacts The time taken to fetch tasks for some specific contacts in rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:targets Time taken for the rules-engine to fetch targets. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:targets:dirty-contacts Number of "dirty" contacts[1] when fetching targets in the rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:tasks:dirty-contacts Number of "dirty" contacts[1] when fetching tasks in the rules-engine. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:ensureTaskFreshness:cancel The time taken to cancel the automated task freshness thread in the rules-engine. This event is only recorded when the thread is cancelled before executing the refresh. Added in 3.9
rules-engine:ensureTargetFreshness:cancel The time taken to cancel the automated target freshness thread in the rules-engine. This event is only recorded when the thread is cancelled before executing the refresh. Added in 3.9

[1] "Dirty" indicates that the contact's task documents are not up to date. They will be refreshed before being used.


When the aggregate doc is created the Telemetry service also includes a snapshot of some metadata.

Field Description
year The year the data was collected.
month The month the data was collected.
user The username of the logged in user.
deviceId A unique key for this device. The version of the webapp.
versions.forms.<form> The version of each form.
userAgent The userAgent string from the user's browser.
hardwareConcurrency The number of cores reported from the browser.
screen.width The width of the screen in pixels.
screen.height The height of the screen in pixels. The version of the Android app. The version of Android OS. The API of the Android OS. The version of Android OS (detailed).
deviceInfo.hardware.device The Android device name.
deviceInfo.hardware.model The Android model name.
deviceInfo.hardware.manufacturer The Android device manufacturer.
deviceInfo.hardware.hardware The Android device hardware.
deviceInfo.hardware.cpuInfo The Android device CPU information. The available storage on the device. The total storage on the device. The available RAM on the device. The total RAM on the device.
deviceInfo.ram.threshold The level of RAM at which certain services will be killed by Android. The reported download speed of the network. The reported upload speed of the network.
dbInfo.doc_count The number of docs in the local database.
dbInfo.update_seq The update sequence of the local database.
dbInfo.idb_attachment_format The format of database attachments.
dbInfo.db_name The name of the local database.
dbInfo.auto_compaction Whether or not auto compaction is set.
dbInfo.adapter The database adapter being used.