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Oleksandr Lavrenchuk edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the CBS wiki!

Hi to all! Thank you for visiting my project. I'm a beginner embedded systems developer, learning C++, Arduino, interested in microcontrollers and IoT. Let me introduce my first IoT project with ESP8266-01.

What is CBS?

CBS - short for climate box sensors. I named my device that because I wanted to create a climate data monitoring system for my greenhouse.

More about CBS

This is my first IoT project that I made using cheap electronic components and the Arduino IoT platform, free account. I would like to upgrade this project in the near future to make it better, add some autonomy, expand its functionality,ect. In my case, I used a DHT22 sensor (humidity and temperature) and a DS18B20 sensor to measure soil temperature. In this Wiki, I try to show all the steps of creating this project to make it easier for beginners like me. All the necessary materials and tools can be found in the README file. So go to the next page and have fun creating your own personal IoT project.

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