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Kirby Modules 2.7.0

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@medienbaecker medienbaecker released this 02 May 13:19
· 5 commits to master since this release

🚀 Automatic Slugs

The slug field can now be hidden in the page creation dialog for streamlined entry, thanks to a new feature of Kirby 4.1.0.
For that I introduced a new page method, uniqueModuleSlug(), that ensures slugs are unique by appending a number to duplicates. This feature activates when the medienbaecker.modules.autoslug option is set to true.

Technical Insights:
I had to use a page method instead of a model function because the page isn't recognised as a module at that stage. In the method, $this refers to a temporary page in new/tmp. To effectively check for siblings, I have to go up two levels. I don't know if there's a better approach.

🔄 Template Switching Ease

The plugin now automatically populates the changeTemplate option. This allows easy switching between different module templates.

🔧 Other fixes

  • I've fixed the section headline to be non-clickable following a class name change in a recent Kirby update.
  • The moduleId() function has been updated to use proper BEM syntax, such as module--text instead of module__text.