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Finished repo for tutorial: Deploying a clone serverlessly for learning and profit. Part 1: backend

In this tutorial series I'm refactoring [The mother of all demo apps - Real World]( /realworld) by into a fully serverless app on aws as a fun learn-aws and exploration project. In Part 4 I'm refactoring one single endpoint in the express app into a lambda. The latest part of the tutorial is always what is running on


To deploy this app you need an aws account, and the serverless framework configured with your aws account. Follow these instructions

Get started

You need to clone this repo and the [Node/Express flavor of Real World example app]( /node-express-realworld-example-app). Installing dependencies for both, and updating two packages in the Real World repo.

git clone .
npm install
git clone app && cd app
npm install
npm install --save mongoose@latest mongoose-unique-validator@latest

Then open app/app.js and add this line at the bottom

module.exports = app

Basically you need to export the express app so that the handler.js file in root dir can use it.

Running locally

sls offline --skipCacheInvalidation will run the project using serverless offline.

Deploying to production

Create a file named .env.production in the root dir and att the below:


Replacing the MONGODB_URI value with a MongoDB Atlas connection string, or mongodb database hosted elsewhere (atlas has a free tier though).

Deploy with: NODE_ENV=production serverless deploy. Running serverless deploy prefaced with NODE_ENV=production will cause serverless to also upload the env vars in .env.production

Run tests

Either use the postman gui or use newman (included as a dev dependency)

Using newman to test locally. Make sure the app is running using serverless offline --skipCacheInvalidation then;

 npx newman run test/Conduit.postman_collection.json

To run the test suite against your production deployment, first edit the Conduit.production.postman_environment.json in the test folder;

	"id": "f7623382-67ff-4024-b96b-f240870078a0",
	"name": "Conduit.production",
	"values": [
			"key": "APIURL",
			"value": "ADD_YOUR_PRODUCTION_API_URL_HERE/api", <--- Add the endpoint url you recied when you deployed!
			"enabled": true
	"_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
	"_postman_exported_at": "2019-12-27T15:07:43.293Z",
	"_postman_exported_using": "Postman/7.14.0"

After you've edited the environment run the newman suite with it specified:

 npx newman run test/Conduit.postman_collection.json -e test/Conduit.production.postman_environment.json 


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