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Simple API

A fast, simple and reliable API microframework for PHP 5.3+


  1. Make sure all requests point to your main .php file
  2. Just include or require api.php in your project



require 'api.php';

api::get('hello/{name}', function($name = 'world') {
	return array(
		'message' => 'Hello ' . $name;


This is a basic hello world example. Getting /hello/example will return this:

	"message": "Hello example"

And getting /hello/ or even /hello will return this:

	"message": "Hello world"


Helper methods

api::response($code); // sets the response code or status
api::process($path, $method); // starts execution manually; both parameters are optional


All requests are handled by listeners which are called in the order they are defined. A listener is defined by using the static method corresponding to the request method.

api::get(...);	// Responds to GET requests
api::post(...);	// Responds to POST requests
api::put(...);	// Responds to PUT requests


All listener routes must match the full length of the request and may be defined without the leading and trailing slashes.
So the routes /home/, /home, home/ and home are the same.

api::get('home', ...);

This example will only match /home and /home/.


Routes may contain named parameters which are passed on to all of the listeners callbacks. Parameters will by default match any number of characters to match the full length of the request.

api::get('user/{name}', ...);

This example will match any request of this form /user/....
Such as:

  • /user/admin
  • /user/example
  • /user/lorem/ipsum
Default values

Routes may also contain parameters with default values. These are defined with the main callback. When a default value is defined the parameter along with the leading delimiter becomes optional.

api::get('user:{id}', ...); // $id has a default value

This example will respond to /user, /user: and /user:.... The first two request will use the default value.

Regular Expressions

A parameter may be forced to match a regex by using the chainable where method on the listener.

api::get('user:{id}', ...)->where('id', '[\d]+');

This example will only match routes that contain a number for id.


All listeners must constain a main callback and optional middleware callbacks. The main function or method is always passed as the last argument of the listener.

A callback must be a PHP callable (anonymous function, function name, array).

When a callback is called the route parameters are maped to its parameters by name. This means all of its parameter names must match a route parameter.

Return value

Any non-null and non-boolean value returned by a callback is passed to the user as JSON. Else the response is an empty array. If the returned value is not an array or object it is wrapped with an array.

Main callback

The main callback is used for defining optional route parameters and their default values. Middleware callbacks may override default values for optional parameters.

api::get('user:{id}', ..., function($id = null) {
	if ($id == null) $id = auth::id(); // get current user id
	$user = db::query('select * from user where id = ?', $id)->fetch(); // get user from db
	if ($user) {
		return $user;
	} api::response(404); // set response code or message
})->where('id', '[\d]+');

This example will return a user by id. The id route parameter is optional. When it isn't passed the current user id is used instead.

api::get('user:{id}/{action}', ..., function($id = null, $action) {
	if ($id == null) $id = auth::id();
	if ($action == 'find') {
		$user = db::query('select * from user where id = ?', $id)->fetch();
		if ($user) {
			return $user;
		} api::response(404);
	} else api::response(400);
})->where('id', '[\d]+');

Here the request must also contain an "action". The order on which the parameters of the function are defined is not important, as the values are mapped by their names.

NOTE: Parameters with default values may also be on the left side of any non-default parameters.

Middleware callbacks

Middleware callbacks are optional and may be passed between the route and the main callback. They are called in order and can stop a listeners execution by chaning the response code/status via api::response(...) or returning false or any other value that is neither null nor true.

When a middleware stops execution the default response becomes 400.

api::get('user:{id}/{action}', "auth::check", function($id) {
	if (!auth::admin() && $id != null && $id != auth::id())
}, function($id = null, $action) {
	if ($id == null) $id = auth::id();
})->where('id', '[\d]+');

This example will only run if the user is logged in according to auth::check() and is either requesting himself/herself or is an admin.