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Cat Academy is a cat version of Typer Shark Deluxe. Players will help the cats learn English by typing out all words that appear on the board. Time set will be 5s each time words are rendered. The game will get harder by rendering more words on the board. There is a scoreboard to update how many words players taught the cats. Cats get excited when players type proper words. If players can't teach them all the words randomed on board in 5s, she gets bored and falls asleep. Game is over.

Functionality & MVPs

With this NinjaCat's Game, users will be able to:

  • Start, and restart the game board.
  • Type in the words to get the score.
  • An startGame modal describing the background and rules of the game.
  • A production README Wireframes Homepage Nav links include links to this project's Github repo, my LinkedIn and AngelList, and the endGame modal. Game controls will include Start, Restart buttons.
  • On the top left, there will be a 5s timer (Bonus) On the bottom right, there is a score recording.

Technologies, Libraries, APIs

This project will be implemented with the following technologies:

  • The Canvas API to render the game board.
  • Webpack to bundle and transpile the source JavaScript code
  • npm to manage project dependencies
  • npm random-words package to render random words on the game board.

Implementation Timeline


Friday Afternoon & Weekend: Overview on JS and get comfortable with canvas. Get asset. Setup project, including getting webpack up and running. Create skeleton. Get canvas to show up on the screen.

Monday: Dedicate this day toward implementing the underlying logic of CatAcademy's Game. Ensure that I can advance a generation of random words on the board appropriately.

Tuesday: Manage input words type out by player. Make sure the score recording work appropriately. Then, focus on user controls: start,reset boardgame.

Wednesday: Finish implementing user controls, and focus on styling, as well as implementing the different color schemes and nav links. If time, start on bonuses.

Thursday Morning: Deploy to GitHub pages. If time, rewrite this proposal as a production README. Bonus: Cat's reaction: happy, worried, excited. 5s timer set for each time words are renders. It gets harder by render more words on the board.


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