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This repository contains MeemLev's general documentation

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MeemLev Docs

Table of Contents


Welcome to MeemLev General repo. This repository hosts general docs for MeemLev. You can find the following:

  • MeemLev Whitepaper
  • Documentation for MeemLev Public API to interact with MeemLev contract on the blockchain.
  • MeemLev DAO proposals are handled through this repo as well


Video below shows how to interact with the MeemLev Contract on the Sepolia Network through MeemHub.


DAO Presets

General configurations

_maxActiveProposals: 3
_minVoterStake: 1000
_minProposerStake: 100000
_minStakingDuration: 7 days
_stakingBaseDuration: 14 days
_durationCapFactor: 10

Categories configurations

// Rewards
maxVotingDuration: 14 days
minVotingDuration: 7 days
quorum: 90%

// Ecosystem
maxVotingDuration: 14 days
minVotingDuration: 7 days
quorum: 90%

// Founders
maxVotingDuration: 7 days
minVotingDuration: 3 days
quorum: 90%

// Team
maxVotingDuration: 7 days
minVotingDuration: 3 days
quorum: 90%

MeemLev Public API

You can currently access our temporary development API at: MeemLev API. Stay tuned for the launch of our fully-fledged Public API, which will provide users and developers with a user-friendly REST API for seamless interaction with the MeemLev contract. Below, you'll find the preliminary definition of the API set to be released.

Public Callables

Welcome Message

  • URL: /
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Displays a welcome message with a link to the API documentation.


  • URL: /decimals
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the number of decimal places for the token.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the number of decimals.

Deploy Timestamp

  • URL: /deployTimestamp
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the timestamp when the contract was deployed.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the timestamp.


  • URL: /name
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the name of the token.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the name of the token.


  • URL: /owner
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the owner address of the contract.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the owner address of the contract.


  • URL: /symbol
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the symbol of the token.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the symbol of the token.


  • URL: /allowance
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the allowance granted by the owner to the spender.
  • Query Parameters:
    • owner: The address of the owner.
    • spender: The address of the spender.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the allowance granted by the owner to the spender.

Total Supply

  • URL: /totalSupply
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the total supply of the token.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the total supply of the token.

Balance Of

  • URL: /balanceOf
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the balance of the specified account.
  • Query Parameters:
    • account: The address of the account.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the balance of the specified account.

Burnt Tokens

  • URL: /burntTokens
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the total number of burnt tokens.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the total number of burnt tokens.

Circulating Supply

  • URL: /circulatingSupply
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves the circulating supply of the token.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the circulating supply of the token.

MeemLev Callables

ZFC Config

  • URL: /zfc_config
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves configuration information for ZFC.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with ZFC configuration information.

ZRC Config

  • URL: /zrc_config
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves configuration information for ZRC.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with ZRC configuration information.

ZGC Category Config

  • URL: /zgc_categoryConfig
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves configuration information about a specific category.
  • Query Parameters:
    • category: The category ID (optional).
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the category configuration information.

ZGC DAO Config

  • URL: /zgc_DAOconfig
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves configuration information for the ZGC DAO.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the ZGC DAO configuration information.

ZTC Vesting Grants

  • URL: /ztc_vestingGrants
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves information about ZTC vesting grants.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with ZTC vesting grants information.

ZRC Scheduled Reward Times

  • URL: /zrc_scheduledRewardTimes
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves scheduled reward times for ZRC.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with ZRC scheduled reward times.

ZGC Existing Proposals

  • URL: /zgc_existingProposals
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves information about existing proposals in ZGC.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with existing proposals information.

ZGC Get Proposal Parameters

  • URL: /zgc_getProposalParameters
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves parameters of a specific proposal from the Governance contract.
  • Query Parameters:
    • proposal_id: The ID of the proposal to retrieve parameters for.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the parameters of the specified proposal.

ZGC Proposals

  • URL: /zgc_proposals
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves information about proposals in ZGC.
  • Query Parameters:
    • proposal_id: The ID of the proposal to retrieve information for (optional).
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with proposals information.

Public Transactables

Decrease Allowance

  • URL: /decreaseAllowance
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Decreases the allowance granted by the owner to the spender.
  • Request Body:
    • spender: The address of the spender.
    • subtracted_value: The amount by which the allowance will be decreased.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.

Increase Allowance

  • URL: /increaseAllowance
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Increases the allowance granted by the owner to the spender.
  • Request Body:
    • spender: The address of the spender.
    • added_value: The amount by which the allowance will be increased.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.


  • URL: /transfer
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Transfers tokens to a specified recipient.
  • Request Body:
    • recipient: The address of the recipient.
    • amount: The amount of tokens to transfer.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.


  • URL: /approve
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Approves the spender to spend a specified amount of tokens on behalf of the owner.
  • Request Body:
    • spender: The address of the spender.
    • amount: The amount of tokens to approve.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.

Transfer From

  • URL: /transferFrom
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Transfers tokens from one address to another on behalf of a specified address.
  • Request Body:
    • sender: The address from which the tokens are transferred.
    • recipient: The address to which the tokens are transferred.
    • amount: The amount of tokens to transfer.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.

MeemLev Transactables

ZTC Claim Grant

  • URL: /ztc_claimGrant
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Claims the grant for a member.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.


  • URL: /zgc_DAOstake
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Retrieves stake information for a DAO member.
  • Request Body:
    • member_address (str): The address of the DAO member.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the following stake information:
      • timestamp (int): The timestamp of the stake.
      • balance (int): The balance of the stake.

ZGC Vote

  • URL: /zgc_vote
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Votes for a proposal.
  • Request Body:
    • proposal_id (int): The ID of the proposal to vote for.
    • support (int): The support value for the vote.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.

ZGC Stake DAO Tokens

  • URL: /zgc_stakeDAOTokens
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Stakes DAO tokens.
  • Request Body:
    • amount (int): The amount of tokens to stake.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.

ZGC Unstake DAO Tokens

  • URL: /zgc_unstakeDAOTokens
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Unstakes DAO tokens.
  • Request Body:
    • amount (int): The amount of tokens to unstake.
  • Response:
    • 200 OK: JSON object with the transaction ID.


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