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Registering dependencies

You can build your dependency container using factory function as follows:

val di = di {
    // use `constant` function to register
    // dependencies that are already evaluated
    val port by constant(8080)
    // use `singleton` function to register
    // dependencies that need to be evaluated once
    val database by singleton { // this: DI
        val port: Int by getting
    // use `factory` function to register
    // dependencies that need to be evaluated every time
    // you trying to receive them
    val secureRandom by factory { SecureRandom() }

Retrieving dependencies

The first way is just to call get function:

val database = di.get<Database>()

If there is only one dependency with type Database, you are not required to pass the dependency name. If there are multiple dependencies of some type (it's often constants of primitive types like String, Int, etc.), you are required to specify the name or get will fail.

val port = di.get<String>(name = "port")

To avoid boilerplate, you can use delegates to retrieve dependencies which will pass the name automatically:

val port: String by di.getting

There is also a way do make an extension using delegate like this:

val DI.port by Dependency

Idiomatic DI

val di = di {
    // use extensions to initialize DI

// declare Typed Accessors among with dependency providers
val DI.usersRepository: UsersRepository by Dependency

fun DIBuilder.users() {
    val usersRepository by singleton { this: DI
        // Use Typed Accessors to access other dependencies

// Retrieve dependencies using Typed Accessors
fun main() {