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MegaBar is a enterprise scale website and api building tool.


Go to a directory where you have other rails apps.. perhaps ~/websites/ if you want to start a new one.

cd ~/websites

Clone (or fork) this repo

git clone

Create a new app (you can also just add the gem to an existing app)

rails new myapp

cd myapp

Add all of this to your gemfile:

gem 'mega_bar', :path => '../megabar/'
group :development, :test do
  gem 'byebug'
  gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.0'
  gem 'factory_girl_rails', require: false
gem 'best_in_place'
gem 'jquery-ui-rails'
gem 'kaminari', '~> 0.17.0'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', ''

Also, remove Spring as a gem from your Gemfile.

After you've edited your Gemfile, I have a one line shortcut command for all those things once you've edited your Gemfile:

rbenv local 2.3.0; bundle install; rails generate rspec:install; cp ../megabar/spec/host_spec_helper.rb spec/spec_helper.rb; bundle exec rake mega_bar:engine_init; rails s;

You should then be able to visit a megabar page at http://localhost:3000/mega-bar/models

If you are adding megabar to an existing application, you might want to run each of those commands separately and you'd probably want to carefully merge the contents of the host_spec_helper.rb into your existing spec_helper. Also, you may not need the rbenv command or want to use an rvm version.

Getting the latest from the MegaBar Team for your existing megabar app takes just a few steps.

megabar directory: > git pull
myapp directory: > rake db:migrate
myapp directory: > bundle exec rake  mega_bar:data_load

If you have additions to the 'core data' and would like them to be a part of the 'mega_bar seeds', run this command:

bundle exec rake mega_bar:dump_seeds

Then you'd copy that db/mega_bar.seeds.rb from your app over to the megabar repo and commit them to the megabar repo. cp db/mega_bar.seeds.rb ../megabar/db/.

Also copy any related migrations. Adding new models to core megabar involves adding them to the seed_dump and data_load tasks.

Definitely consider creating a branch before making changes to the megabar gem repo and then submit a pull request.

git checkout -b feature/my_new_feature

build feature.....

git commit -am "built a feature

git push --set-upstream origin feature/myfeature

Then go to the github page and submit a pull request from there.