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Bagus edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the megabar wiki!

MegaBar is a enterprise scale website and api building tool.

If you need to keep a network of sites with central control, like multiple newspaper sites, or multiple real estate sites, or similar, MegaBar is the solution. MegaBar enables GUI based support for building hundreds of models on hundreds of pages for hundreds of sites in a single instance, or just help you manage a few models for one site.

If you are a non-coding manager needing to get your data and data entry screens onto the web, MegaBar is right for you. If you are a coder who gets tired of inconsistent view code and DOM elements, messy controllers and models, and know how it can take quite an effort just to add a field to a existing table, MegaBar may be right for you too.

It takes rails conventions seriously, does much of the grunt work for you while clearing your model and controller files up for your custom business logic. It empowers powerful database driven rails apps thru a GUI that is consistent across all your models.