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Setting Up a MAMP Server

Allen Tucker edited this page Feb 22, 2022 · 15 revisions

To install and set up a MAMP server on your computer, first download it from one of the following sites:

  1. (for Mac) visit
  2. (for Windows) visit
  3. (for Ubuntu Linux) visit

When you complete the MAMP installation and run MAMP, you'll see the following display:

Hitting the Preferences button will give you this:

Here, you should select "Set Web and MySQL ports to 80 & 3306", and then hit OK.

Now, hit the Stop/Start button (twice) to stop and then restart the server.

Finally, if you hit the WebStart button, you will see the Welcome to MAMP page. Scroll down that page and click the MySQL -> phpmyadmin link to open administrative access to the databases on your server. Initially, the phpmyadmin page looks like this:

The databases on your server are listed in the left-hand column. Across the top are the tabs you'll use to create and modify your databases. The key tabs here are:

User Accounts for creating a new database, user, and password

Import for initializing a database with values from a .sql text file

Export for backing up a database to a .sql text file

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