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TelemetrySpace: Fit spatial point process and geostatistical mixed effects models to electronic tagging data


The TelemetrySpace package uses Stan [] for model fitting.

To install from GitHub, you will need to install the rstan package and C++ toolchain by following the instructions at []. Pay close attention to the installation instructions provided at the link - there are several steps to rstan installation. Once rstan is successfully installed, restart R and install TelemetrySpace from GitHub by executing the following in R:

if (!require(devtools)) {
install_github("meganwinton/TelemetrySpace", build_vignettes = FALSE)

If you change build_vignettes to TRUE, installation will take longer. Vignettes are already available in the vignettes folder on this page. Note that installation will take several minutes because all Stan models are compiled when the package is built. Patience!