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docs: 📚️ added documentation on configuration
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folke committed Jan 16, 2020
1 parent 63d2488 commit 04ee582
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Showing 3 changed files with 86 additions and 74 deletions.
131 changes: 57 additions & 74 deletions packages/devmoji/
Expand Up @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ commits, using emojis inspired by

Some of the things **Devmoji** can do:

- **emojify:** convert input between diferent emoji formats `unicode`,
`shortcode` (like `:smile:`), `devmoji`
- use **devmoji aliases** that are easy to remember like: `:test:`,
`:refactor:`, `:docs:`, `:security` instead of hard to remember emoji codes
- install a **`prepare-commit-msg` commit hook** to :sparkles: automagically
emojify your commit message
- emojify and colorify the output of `git log` even for projects not using
- [**emojify:**](###devmoji-emojify) convert input between diferent emoji
formats `unicode`, `shortcode` and `devmoji`. **devmoji** are easy to remember
aliases like: `:test:`, `:refactor:`, `:docs:`, `:security` instead of hard to
remember emoji codes
- [**git commit:**](###devmoji---edit) install a **`prepare-commit-msg` commit
hook** to :sparkles: automagically emojify your commit message
- [**git log:**](###devmoji---log) emojify and colorify the output of `git log`
even for projects not using emojis

How does it look like?

Expand All @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ npm install --dev devmoji
yarn add --dev devmoji

See [`--edit`](###devmoji---edit) for information on how to setup a git commit

## :boom: Usage

### `devmoji --help`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,76 +176,63 @@ but my favorite alias is:
$ git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=short

> I'll use `git log` below, instead of the above, for clarity
> I'll use my alias `git l`, instead of the above, for clarity. The
> `devmoji --format strip` is only for demonstration purposes, since all devmoji
> commits already have emoji
> ![devmoji --list](
$ git log
* 8dce6f0 - (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.2.2) chore(release): 1.2.2 [skip ci] (10 hours ago) <semantic-release-bot>
* ce8ca0e - docs: updated documentation (10 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* c4f3632 - (tag: v1.2.1) chore(release): 1.2.1 [skip ci] (10 hours ago) <semantic-release-bot>
* 6366bd3 - (origin/master, origin/HEAD) fix(docs): updated (10 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* ad79999 - docs: updated (11 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* cffee3c - build: push changes in root to git on release (11 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* de836ac - (tag: v1.2.0) chore(release): 1.2.0 [skip ci] (11 hours ago) <semantic-release-bot>
* 55ee2c4 - chore(deps): dependency on old lodash which has a advisory (11 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* 3a892f9 - test: never use color when running inside jest (12 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* faa3aac - feat(config): devmojis for config, add, remove (12 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>

> using `devmoji --log`
$ git log --color | devmoji --log
* 8dce6f0 - (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.2.2) chore(release): 🚀 1.2.2 [skip ci] (10 hours ago) <semantic-release-bot>
* ce8ca0e - docs: 📚 updated documentation (10 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* c4f3632 - (tag: v1.2.1) chore(release): 🚀 1.2.1 [skip ci] (10 hours ago) <semantic-release-bot>
* 6366bd3 - (origin/master, origin/HEAD) fix(docs): 🐛 📚 updated (10 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* ad79999 - docs: 📚 updated (11 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* cffee3c - build: 📦 push changes in root to git on release (11 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* de836ac - (tag: v1.2.0) chore(release): 🚀 1.2.0 [skip ci] (11 hours ago) <semantic-release-bot>
* 55ee2c4 - chore(deps): 🔗 ➖ dependency on old lodash which has a 🔒 advisory (12 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* 3a892f9 - test: 🚨 never use color when running inside jest (12 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
* faa3aac - feat(config): ✨ ⚙ ➕ devmojis for config, add, remove (12 hours ago) <Folke Lemaitre>
> using `devmoji --log` >
> ![devmoji --list](
### `devmoji --list`

To get a list of all available **Devmiji**, run with `--list`. (see also
[Default Devmoji](###Default-Devmoji)) Note that the actual output will be
colorized (unless used with `--no-color`), but markdown does not support colors
[Default Devmoji](###Default-Devmoji))

$ devmoji --list
Available Devmoji
✨ :feat: feat: a new feature
🐛 :fix: fix: a bug fix
📚 :docs: docs: documentation only changes
🎨 :style: style: changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
♻ :refactor: refactor: a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
⚡ :perf: perf: a code change that improves performance
🚨 :test: test: adding missing or correcting existing tests
🔧 :chore: chore: changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
🚀 :chore-release: chore(release): code deployment or publishing to external repositories
🔗 :chore-deps: chore(deps): add or delete dependencies
📦 :build: build: changes related to build processes
👷 :ci: ci: updates to the continuous integration system
🚀 :release: code deployment or publishing to external repositories
🔒 :security: Fixing security issues.
🌐 :i18n: Internationalization and localization.
💥 :breaking: Introducing breaking changes.
⚙ :config: Changing configuration files.
➕ :add: add something
➖ :remove: remove something
💩 :fuckup: something got messed up pretty bad
![devmoji --list](

## :gear: Configuration

`devmoji` uses the config file as specified with the `--config` option, or looks
for `devmoji.config.js` in the current directory.
for `devmoji.config.js` in the following paths:

### Default Devmoji
- current directory
- parent directory that contains a `package.json` file
- parent directory that is a `git` repository
- home directory

### Example Config File

export const defaults = {
// extra types used in commit messages
types: ["lint"],
// custom devmoji
devmoji: [
// use :boom: instead of :sparkles: for the type 'feat'
{ code: "feat", emoji: "boom" },
// add a custom devmoji
code: "fail",
emoji: "poop",
description: "something bad happened",
// add a new devmoji based on an existing gitmoji. description will be taken from the gitmoji
code: "css",
gitmoji: "art",
// the emoji from the gitmoji can be overriden as well
code: "config",
gitmoji: "wrench",
emoji: "gear",

### Default Devmoji Reference

| Emoji | Devmoji Code | Description |
| ---------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Expand All @@ -265,10 +255,3 @@ for `devmoji.config.js` in the current directory.
| :gear: | `:config:` | Changing configuration files. |
| :heavy_plus_sign: | `:add:` | add something |
| :heavy_minus_sign: | `:remove:` | remove something |

## Todo

- [ ] write documentation
- [ ] create commitlint-plugin
- [ ] create commitlint-config
- [ ] integrate with commitzen
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions packages/devmoji/
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,6 @@
- [x] add example on using `git log`
- [x] format breaking change based on `!` as in `feat(new)!:`
- [ ] deprecate `emojify-cli`
- [ ] create commitlint-plugin
- [ ] create commitlint-config
- [ ] integrate with commitzen
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions packages/devmoji/src/config-options-example.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
export const defaults = {
// extra types used in commit messages
types: ["lint"],
// custom devmoji
devmoji: [
// use :boom: instead of :sparkles: for the type 'feat'
{ code: "feat", emoji: "boom" },
// add a custom devmoji
code: "fail",
emoji: "poop",
description: "something bad happened",
// add a new devmoji based on an existing gitmoji. description will be taken from the gitmoji
code: "css",
gitmoji: "art",
// the emoji from the gitmoji can be overriden as well
code: "config",
gitmoji: "wrench",
emoji: "gear",

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