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Taxonomic assignement using variable identity thresholds


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Taxonomic assignment of metabarcoding sequences using variable % identity thresholds

If you are using this tool, please, cite Meglécz, E. (2024). mkLTG: A command-line tool for taxonomic assignment of metabarcoding sequences using variable identity thresholds. Biologia Futura. Accepted manuscript


Perl interpreter This is generally installed in all unix like systems. Otherwise see


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Reference database and taxonomy files

COI database

A ready to use COI database with its associated taxonomy file formated from COInr for mkLTG (and VTAM ) is available here: . The COInr database is a comprehensive non-redundant database with COI sequences from NCBI-nt and BOLD databases.

Alternativelly, it is possible to download the COInr database from zenodo, and prepare a custom database using mkCOInr (

Other databases

Any BLAST databases can be formated from a fasta file and a taxmap file using the following command:

makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in FASTA_FILE -parse_seqids -taxid_map TAXMAP_FILE

Format of the taxmap file (Sequence identifiers and taxIDs separated by tabulation):

HQ449147_1	1000596
6930156	1000596
HQ449148_1	1000597

mkLTG also needs a taxonomy tsv with the following columns:

  • tax_id: can be correct NCBI taxID, or arbitrary negative numbers for taxa not in NCBI
  • parent_tax_id: taxiID of the closest parent of tax_id
  • rank: taxonomic rank (e.g. species, genus, subgenus, no_rank)
  • name_txt: Scientifc name of the taxon
  • old_tax_id: taxIDs that have been merged to the tax_id by NCBI; if more than one for a given tax_id, make one line for each old_tax_id (can be empty)
  • taxlevel index: 0 => root, 1=> superkingdom, 2=> kingdom, 3=> phylum, 4=> class, 5=> order, 6=> family, 7=> genus, 8=> species; Levels in between have 0.5 added to the next highest level (e.g. 5.5 for infraorder and for superfamily).
  • synonyms: list of synonyms; optional
tax_id  parent_tax_id   rank    name_txt        old_tax_id      taxlevel        synonyms
1       1       no rank root            0
2       131567  superkingdom    Bacteria                1       Prokaryotae;Prokaryota;Procaryotae
6       335928  genus   Azorhizobium            7
7       6       species Azorhizobium caulinodans        395     8       Azotirhizobium caulinodans
-34968  2778801 subfamily       Callithamnioideae               6.5
-35035  -35034  species Fractonotus caelatus            8
-35036  -35030  family  Ramazzottidae           6

When all sequences in the database have NCBI taxIDs, the taxonomy file can be automatically produced by mkLTG form the NCBI tax dmp files (


Test files

For the sake of this tutorial I have the following file system:

├── COInr_for_vtam_2022_05_06_dbV5
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.ndb
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.nhr
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.nin
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.nog
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.nos
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.not
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.nsq
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.ntf
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam.nto
│   ├── COInr_for_vtam_taxonomy.tsv
│   └── format_db.log
├── data
│   └── test.fas
│   ├── test.tsv
├── params
│   └── params_default.tsv
└── scripts
    ├── compair_params.R

The files in COInr_for_vtam_2022_05_06_dbV5 were downloaded form

All other files are provided with mkLTG.


Unix like systems

cd mkLTG

perl scripts/ -in data/test.fas -taxonomy COInr_for_vtam_2022_05_06_dbV5/COInr_for_vtam_taxonomy.tsv -blast_db COInr_for_vtam_2022_05_06_dbV5/COInr_for_vtam -outdir out -out_name test -ltg_params params/params_default.tsv

The input file (-in) can also be a tsv file with headings. One of the columns must have 'sequence' as a heading.


cd mkLTG

perl scripts\ -in data\test.fas -taxonomy COInr_for_vtam_2022_05_06_dbV5\COInr_for_vtam_taxonomy.tsv -ncbitax_dir '' -blast_db COInr_for_vtam_2022_05_06_dbV5\COInr_for_vtam -outdir out -out_name test -ltg_params params\params_default.tsv -windows 1

The input file (-in) can also be a tsv file with headings. One of the columns must have 'sequence' as a heading.


Table 1 Default parameter setting

pid pcov phit taxn seqn refres ltgres
100 70 70 1 1 species species
97 70 70 1 1 species species
95 70 70 2 2 species species
90 70 70 3 3 genus species
85 70 70 4 4 family genus
80 70 70 4 4 family genus

Query sequences are BLASTed against the reference database. Hits are then validated if

  • % of identity is >= pid
  • %of coverage is >=pcov
  • the resolution of the reference sequence is at least refres

The Lowest Taxonomic Group (LTG) is determined if among the validated hits, there are at least taxn different taxa and seqn sequences. LTG is the Lowest Taxonomic Group that contains at least phit proportion of the validated hits.

mkLTG starts at the highest pid value of the parameter setting. If LTG cannot be established using this pid and the associated values of the other parameters (e.g. not enough valid hits) the procedure is reiterated using decreasing pid values till LTG is established, or no more pid is provided in the parameter file.

Arguments and options

  • in: Name of the input fasta or tsv file containing the sequences to be assigned. The tsv file must have 'sequence' as a heading for one of the columns; Compulsory
  • blast_db: name of the blast database; Compulsory
  • taxonomy: TSV file with the following tab separated columns: taxid, parent_taxid, taxlevel, taxname, merged_taxid, taxlevel_index; Either taxonomy or ncbitax_dir is compulsory
  • ncbitax_dir: Directory of ncbi taxonomy dmp files (downloaded from Only necessary if no taxonomy file is provided. The taxonomy file is automatically created from the dmp files and can be used if all sequences have NCBI taxIDs; Either taxonomy or ncbitax_dir is compulsory
  • ltg_params: tsv file wih the following tab separated columns: pid pcov phit taxn seqn refres ltgres ; Compulsory
  • outdir: name of the otput directory; Compulsory
  • out_name: alpha-numeric string for naming output files; Optional
  • blastout: If empty, run blast; otherwise this file is used to make LTG ; Optional
  • delete_tmp: 0/1; if 1 delete temporary files after the run ; Optional, 1 by default
  • windows: 1/0 set to one if running on windows; Optional, 0 by default

BLAST parameters

  • task: megablast/blastn ; Optional, megablast by default

  • blast_e: E-value threshold; Optional, 1e-20 by default

  • dust: yes/no; apply dust filters for blast; Optional, yes by default

  • max_target_seqs: maximum number of blast hits per query ; Optional, 500 by default

  • num_threads: number of threads when running blast ; Optional, 8 by default

  • qcov_hsp_perc: minium query coverage in blast ; Optional, 70 by default

  • batch_size: batch size for blast (to avoid too large output files) ; Optional, 1000 by default

Optimize parameters

Make Test Files

Randomly select 1000 sequences (seqn) from the COInr.tsv (db_tsv) file (downloaded from Select only sequences assigned to species (select_taxlevel).

The randomy selected sequences (random_seq.fas) will be used as queries for the evaluation of the parameter settings, and the remaining sequences are formatted for blast (reduced_DB.fas). The random_seq.fas is BLASTed against the reduced_DB.fas database.

perl scripts/ -db_tsv COInr/COInr.tsv -taxonomy COInr/taxonomy.tsv -seqn 1000 -select_taxlevel species -outdir optimize/series1

Make parameter files using variable pid

Make parameter files for a large number of parameter value combinations. The possibe parameter values can be set by editing lines 16-22 in the script. This script produces parameter files with multiple pid values. To reduce the number of parameter files, pcov and phits are fixed within each parameter settings (same values for different pids). seqn is the same as taxn, and ltgres is a resolution higher than refres.

perl scripts/ -outdir optimize/param_files_pid_variable

Make parameter files using a singe pid per parameter setting

Make parameter files for a large number of parameter value combinations. The possibe parameter values can be set by editing lines 15-19 in the script. This script produces parameter files with a single pid value. To reduce the number of parameter files, seqn is the same as taxn, and ltgres is a resolution higher than refres.

perl scripts/ -outdir optimize/param_files_pid_fix

Run mkLTG for all parameter files

Run mkLTG for each of the above produced parameter settings using random_seq.fas as a query and the results of the BLAST against reduced_DB.fas.

At each major taxonomic level, count the number of sequences correctly assigned (TP), incorrectly assigned (FP) and non-assigned (FN)

Variable pid

perl scripts/ -fas optimize/series1/random_seq.fas -taxonomy COInr/taxonomy.tsv -blastout optimize/series1/blastout_random_seq.tsv -outdir optimize/series1/LTG_pid_variable -ltg_params_dir optimize/param_files_pid_variable

Fix pid

perl scripts/ -fas optimize/series1/random_seq.fas -taxonomy COInr/taxonomy.tsv -blastout optimize/series1/blastout_random_seq.tsv -outdir optimize/series1/LTG_pid_fix -ltg_params_dir optimize/param_files_pid_fix

Calculate F1 score, get the parameter setting with the highest F1, make graphs

Adapt the compare_params.R script to your use






Works with more sequences than the batch size



Input sequences can be provided in fasta or TSV format


Taxonomic assignement using variable identity thresholds





