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Compiler Script

Mehdi edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 4 revisions

Compiler Script

Compiler Script is a set of predefined orders and scripts that JCE understands and can compile them. A CompilerScript file type is JSON and consist of many FileScript.
Note: The whole CompilerScript is a JSON array.


FileScript is a set of proper commands and scripts that is necessary for compiling a file. It consists of attributes that are mentioned below.

  • language (String) (Required) (obvious)
  • needCleanup (Boolean) (Required) (if compiling a file produce extra file and resource, it has to be cleaned after the compiling)
  • commands (String[]) (Required) (commands for compiling the file e.g. javac {FILE-ADDRESS})
  • cleanupFiles (String[]) (Required if needCleanup is set to true) (address of files that need to be cleaned after compiling).

Here is an example of java FileScript

    "language": "java",
    "needCleanup": true,
    "commands": [
       "javac {FPF}",
       "java -cp {PPF} {FN}{PA}"
    "cleanupFiles": [

In the given example there are some keywords like {PPF}, {FN} and... Here's a table of default keywords that are defined in Compiler.

Keyword Value
{RCP} Running Class Parent Path
{FPF} Full Path of File
{PPF} Parent Path of File
{FN} File Name
{FE} File Extension
{PA} Parameters

Check out the compilerScript to see everythings.

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