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HLS Playing

Selim Emre Toy edited this page Dec 23, 2019 · 9 revisions

HLS Playing is available in both Community and Enterprise Editions. Before playing a stream, make sure that stream is broadcasting in the server.

Quick Link: Learn How to Publish Live Streams

  1. You can use play.html under the Application. Visit https://your_domain_name:5443/WebRTCAppEE/play.html.

If you're running Ant Media Server on your local computer, you can also visit http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/play.html

You will encounter Stream ID doesn't exist popup error.

  1. Write the stream ID & HLS play order parameters in URL as below.


Go to the play.html

  1. Press Start Play button. After you press the button, HLS stream starts playing

Press Start Playing Button

Autoplay ability disabled by Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox in new versions. Look at below links:

Congrats. You're playing with HLS.

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