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generate multiple projects and a docker compose to tie them all together

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Mobilis is a ruby app for generating linked sets of docker containers, for rapid prototyping of arbitrary project architecture.

It has some smarts built in to make common things simple, and will allow you to further customize the output for more complex needs.

Don't work on the pieces. Work on the picture.


$ gem install mobilis


$ mobilis

This will start the console based user interface.

Add projects of the various kinds. The input doesn't save you from mistakes like entering spaces for service names, so don't do it.

Do not use dashes or underscores for database names. Underscores are invalid in hostnames, and dashes are invalid in ??? yaml keys?

If you need any containers to connect to other containers via the internal names, you will want to add a link from the project that is connecting to the project that is being connected to.

When configured to your liking, select the generate option to generate the projects. This will DESTROY any data in an existing 'generate' directory.

Generated Projects

generated projects will have multiple root compose files generated, with filenames like compose-development.yml and compose-production.yml

These are skeletons that along with compose/development.env and compose/production.env and a .yml per service, are used to generate the overall compose config.

this command will show the config for user-service in the development environment:

docker compose -f compose-development.yml config user-service

You can also bring individual services up: docker compose -f compose-development.yml up user-service

or all the services at once: docker compose -f compose-development.yml up

LocalGem support

If you make and link a localgem project, the base directory for the service's build context will change. This is all integrated and generated for you. What is not integrated is updating the .gemspec file so it will actually build. I feel comfortable giving you insecure username / password to the generated data services since those are obvious to fix and cannot be deployed without being thought about, but if you want to cheat on the .gemspec you'll need to gem install mel-minion cd my-localgem-directory minion mumble my-localgem.gemspec

assigned port numbers

Port numbers for all the environments are auto-generated. You can edit the port assignments in the per-environment configuration. The services communicate internally via the internal hostnames and ports.

per-environment configurations

Env vars are defined in compose/development.env etc.

These are not directly used in the containers, but are referenced in the .yml files with the ${COMPOSE_VAR_NAME} syntax.

Special Rails support

If a Ruby on Rails project is linked to a postgres or mysql instance, it will be setup with a DATABASE_URL environment variable that has the connection information.

In addition, the database instance will receive a environment variable with the name of the default production database that is based on the rails project's name


The generated projects are insecure, because of credential handling details.

If you want to deploy the projects into a production environment, you are responsible for secrets management.

This will look like encrypting the secrets in the per-env configuration, which will need to be modified for actual production deployments anyways.

RAILS_MASTER_KEY is set in each rails project, you'll want to handle that.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


  • Adding more project types + smart integrations
  • Instrumenting generated projects with New Relic
  • Smoothing out the flow of the UI
  • Be able to load a previous configured set of projects for further editing
  • Make generated rails projects wait at startup until the database is usable
  • More details in


generate multiple projects and a docker compose to tie them all together






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