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Publish your final CV site on Github

Creating a Curriculum vitae webpage, using Boostrap CSS and development tools.

Development environment

Install development environment

  • Download and install Node.js -it allows to run JavaScript outside of the browser- to get npm:

  • Use npm to install yeoman (project skeletons generator - scaffolding), bower (web dependencies manager) and grunt (task runner):

$ npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
$ npm install -g generator-webapp

Create a new project

  • Create project folder in the default GitHub directory

Example: C:\Users\melissa.voirol\Documents\GitHub\monCV

  • Open Git Shell from your project directory:

Use yeoman generator to scaffold a new application:

$ yo webapp

Select Bootstrap

Sign up for GitHub

  • Suscribe a GitHub account

  • Create a new repository


Build the dist directory to deploy your project

  • Open Git Shell from your project directory:
$ grunt build

Copy your dist directory content in your repository GitHub

  • Go to C:\Users\melissa.voirol\Documents\GitHub\
  • Copy the dist directory content from C:\Users\melissa.voirol\Documents\GitHub\monCV\dist

Preview your app in the browser

  • Start the server:
$ grunt serve

Edit a file and watch livereload in action.

  • Stop the server:


Access your final CV site